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Newsletter de la Fédération Internationale pour la Recherche en Histoire des Femmes

La Fédération Internationale pour la Recherche en Histoire des Femmes vient de publier une newsletter (numéro 56, juillet 2014), qui fait le point sur les différents projets de colloques, de conférences et sur les publications en cours ou à venir en matière d’histoire des femmes et du genre à une échelle internationale. Nous avons le plaisir de diffuser le texte de cette newsletter, téléchargeable ci-dessous :

IFRWH Newsletter July 2014 (1)

International Federation for Research in Women’s History/Federation Internationale pour la Recherche en Histoire des Femmes


July 2014 Issue 56

Dear Friends,

I’m pleased to report that organisation of our next conference is progressing well, under the leadership of our Vice-President, Dr Uma Chakravarti. Please see Uma’s update in this newsletter. In particular, please note that the conference will be held in Jinan, China, over 27th-29th August 2015.

Our conference in Jinan will be held in conjunction with the International Congress of Historical Science (ICSH/CISH), and run over the final 3 days of their conference period, in the same venue. There will not be a separate registration procedure for our conference: if you plan to attend the IFRWH conference you should thus register for the ICHS/CISH conference: I would urge you to check their conference website as soon as possible for details of the ‘early bird’ registration deadline, accommodation and travel and visa information (type in the website details very carefully, as I note that there is another website with an almost identical name!)

At our meeting at the Jinan conference, the current Officers and Board of the IFRWH will step down, and the new Officers and Board

will be elected. Please see the information in this newsletter from Mary O’Dowd, chair of the nominating committee, about the names of proposed new Officers and Board members. The Berkshire Conference in Toronto, Canada, last month provided Uma and I with a valuable opportunity to meet in person for the first time to discuss conference planning, and to bring together some current board members with proposed future officer holders and board members.

Over the coming months please check both the IFRWH website at and the ICHS/CISH conference website in order to keep track of preparations for the Jinan conference. If you have any queries, please note:

1) Uma is the main contact person for inquiries concerning the academic programme of our IFRWH conference (
2) All practical queries regarding registration, visas etc should be addressed to the organisers of the main ICHS/CISH conference.

Very best wishes,

Clare Midgley President, IFRWH


In this issue:

Vice President Report 2 Nominations for IFRWH Board 3 News from National Committees 6 Book Releases 48 Bibliographical Supplement 55

Visit the IFRWH website: current and previous newsletters can be found there.

DEADLINE for next issue 6 December 2014 to

Update from the Vice President on the Preparation for the Jinan Conference to be held in China between 27-29th August 2015

The sub committee for the IFRWH Conference to be held in Jinan China is pleased to state that there has been a very positive response to the themes we had announced earlier. After screening the proposals we have been able to accept 60 papers from across four continents covering a rich variety of proposals. Three major themes had been identified in the call for papers: Women and Modernity; Resistant Subjectivities and Small/Recently Uncovered Archives. Following the screening of the proposals we have identified 10 sub-themes under the Women and Modernity theme, 3 sub themes under Resistant Subjectivities and 2 sub themes under Small/ Recently Uncovered Archives.

In addition there will be a round table organised by Karen Offen. The sub themes under the main themes are listed below: THEME: WOMEN AND MODERNITY
Panel 1: Religion, cosmopolitanism and modernity

Panel 2: Women’s work and modernity revisited: Northern Europe, 1750-1950s

Panel 3: Modernizing Women: Socialist women’s perspectives and struggles – the cases of the Women’s International Democratic Federation, the All China Women’s Federation and Gerwani, Indonesia

Panel 4: Modernity, Post-Modernity and the Prehistory of Transnational Feminism Panel 5: Trans pacific Subjects and the modern State
Panel 6: Women between tradition and modernity
Panel 7: Transnational Border Subjects:

Panel 8: Domesticity and family life: modern homes

Panel 9: ‘New women’ and higher education: transnational perspectives and global political contexts

Panel 10: Modernity, work and social welfare


Panel 1: Eleanor Hinder and the East: An Australian internationalist and activists in interwar China and Japan

Panel 2: Racial and gender justice

Panel 3: Everyday acts of resistance


Panel 1: Retrieving lost histories

Panel 2: Lesser-known archives and new histories of feminisms

We look forward to meeting all the paper presenters in Jinan next year. In our next communication we hope to provide a detailed account of the sessions and dates of the respective panels.

Uma Chakravarti

Nominations for the Board of IFRWH, 2015-2020

Members of the Nominating Committee: Margaret Allen, Rui Kohiyama, Mary O’Dowd, Fiona Paisley, June Purvis.

The Nominating Committee would like to nominate the following to serve as office-holders and members of the Board, 2015-2020. The Board will be elected at the Business meeting of the Federation to be held in Jinan in 2015.

President: Professor Eileen Boris (USA)

Eileen Boris is the Hull Professor of Feminist Studies and also Professor of History, Black Studies, and Global Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is interested in comparative and transnational connections and her first book explored Anglo-American exchange through the very gendered arts and crafts movement. More recently, she has focused on women’s labors in the home and other workplaces and on gender, race, work, and the welfare state. Her books include the prize-winning monographs Home to Work: Motherhood and the Politics of Industrial Homework in the United States [Cambridge University Press, 1994] and, with Jennifer Klein, Caring for America: Home Health Workers in the Shadow of the Welfare State (Oxford University Press, 2012). She is now am writing on the construction of the woman worker through global labor standards, using the ILO as my archive, and co-editing, with Dorothea Hoehtker and Susan Zimmermann, Women’s ILO: Transnational Networks, Working Conditions, and Gender Equality, 1919 to the Present (Palgrave and ILO Century Project). She has held the Bicentennial Chair in American Studies at the University of Helsinki and visiting professorships at the University of Melbourne, Tokyo Christian Women’s University, and University of Toulouse; sat on the Advisory Board of the International Institute for Social History in Amsterdam; served as the President of the Board of Trustees of the Journal of Women’s History as well as on the executive committees of the Labor and Working Class History Association and the Social Science History Association; been on numerous editorial boards; and was the Co-President of the U.S. affiliate to IFRWH, the CCWH, and the co-chair of the program committee for the 2005 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women.

Vice-President: Professor Adele Perry (Canada)

Adele Perry is a historian of gender, colonialism, and the nineteenth-century. She is Professor of History at the University of Manitoba. She is co-editor of four editions of Rethinking Canada: The Promise of Women’s History, the book review editor of the Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, and the author of a forthcoming new monograph on an elite Metis-Creole family and the nineteenth-century imperial world to be published by Cambridge University Press.

Secretary/Newsletter Editor: Professor Tiina Kinnunen (Finland)

Tiina Kinnnunen is Professor in Finnish and Northern European History, University of Oulu, Finland. She completed her doctoral dissertation in 2000 on the reception of Ellen Key in the feminist movement of the German Kaiserreich. She has published on the history of European feminism, feminist historiography, female patriotism in World War II Finland, and memory cultures of World War II and the Finnish Civil War 1918. She has an ongoing research project entitled “Wartime Visions of the Future. Public Discourses and Private Conceptions in Finland, 1941-1944” which is funded by the Finnish Academy and affiliated at the Department of History and Ethnology, University of Jyvaskylä, Finland.

Treasurer: Professor June Purvis (UK)

June Purvis’s main research interests are in women’s and gender history in Modern Britain (19th and 20th centuries). Her specialism is the suffragette movement in Edwardian Britain on which she has published extensively. Her single authored book of the leader of the suffragette movement, Emmeline Pankhurst: a biography (2002) received critical acclaim. Her most recent book, the co-edited Women’s Activism: global perspectives from the 1890s to the present (2013), looks at the international dimension of women’s activism. June is also the Editor of the international journal Women’s History Review (Routledge), the Editor of Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts (Routledge), the Editor for a Women’s and Gender Book Series with Routledge, a regular contributor to BBC History Magazine and reviews regularly for The Times Higher Education Supplement. She sits on the Women’s History Network (UK) Committee as the representative of the International Federation for Research in the History of Women and is also on the Advisory Board of Women and Social Movements International. She has made frequent appearances on BBC radio and TV.

June is currently serving as a very successful treasurer to the Federation and the nominating committee decided that it would like to nominate her again. This will maintain continuity in the Federation’s financial accounts.

Board Members

Oluwakemi Abiodun Adesina (Nigeria), B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (University of Ibadan), is a historian with research interests in African history, migrations, international commercial sex trade, gender and women’s studies. She teaches at the Osun State University, Osogbo, (Ikire Campus), Nigeria. She has published in local and international journals and books. Most notable amongst her publications are: ‘Putting Africa on the Map: Contemporary Migrations, Livelihoods and the Socio-Economic Landscape’ in The Nigerian Journal of Economic History, Nos. 7 & 8, 2005, pp.69-80, ‘Between Culture and Poverty: The Queen Mother Phenomenon and the Edo International Sex Trade’ in Jenda: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies. Issue 8, 2006 pp. 1-31. She is currently a 2013/14 Fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS).

Carolyn J. Eichner (USA) is an Associate Professor of History and Women’s Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Her interests focus on feminism, women, gender, and radical politics in nineteenth-century France and its empire. Eichner’s first book, Surmounting the Barricades: Women in the Paris Commune (Indiana University Press, 2004), examined feminist activism and its wide-ranging influences during and after France’s 1871 revolutionary civil war. Her book project in-progress, Feminism’s Empire: Race and Gender in France and Beyond, investigates late nineteenth-century feminist perspectives on empire, looking specifically at the intersections of race, gender, capitalism, and religion. Eichner’s other research includes The Name: Legitimacy, Identity, and Gendered Citizenship in France, a historical analysis of the political, social, and cultural evolution of state and customary naming restrictions and the ways in which individuals and groups navigated these regulations. Her article “In the Name of the Mother: Feminist Opposition to the Patronym in Nineteenth-Century France,” is in the current issue of Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Spring 2014). Eichner currently serves as the Vice President/President-Elect of the Western Society for French History, on the editorial board of the journal French Historical Studies, and as an advisory board member of Women and Social Movements, International – 1840 to Present.

Vera Mackie (Australia) is Senior Professor of Asian Studies in the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts at the University of Wollongong in Australia. She is national co-convener of the Australian Women’s History Network. Her publications include the Routledge Handbook of Sexuality Studies in East Asia (2014, co-edited with Mark Mclelland), Gender, Nation and State in Modern Japan (Routledge 2014, co-edited with Andrea Germer and Ulrike Woehr), Feminism in Modern Japan: Citizenship, Embodiment and Sexuality (Cambridge 2003) and Creating Socialist Women in Japan: Gender, Labour and Activism (Cambridge 1997).

Gisela Mettele (Germany) holds a Chair in Gender History at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, Germany. Her research interests include the gender history of urban and suburban spaces from late eighteenth to early twentieth century, gender history of the middle classes, gender and religion in modern societies, as well as transnational gender history. Prior to her professorship at the University of Jena she spent four years in the USA. From 1999 to 2000 on a research fellowship at Harvard University, and from 2005 to 2007 working with the German Historical Institute in Washington DC, of which the last year was as the interim director. From 2007 to 2009 Prof. Mettele had a lectureship at Leicester University in the UK. She is the official representative of the German national committee to the IFRWH and is highly interested in further developing the interests of the IFRWH.

Asha Islam Nayeem (Bangladesh) is a graduate of the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in 2013 under the supervision of Professor Sonia Nishat Amin She joined the Department of History, University of Dhaka, as a lecturer in 1990 and became a professor in 2014. The title of her dissertation was, ‘From Andarmahal to schools: Female Education in Eastern Bengal in the 19th and 20th Centuries.’ Asha Islam Nayeem is proficient in Japanese as well as English. She was Research Assistant at the Tokyo University Institute of Oriental Studies from 1989 to 1993. In the academic year 1994-95 she conducted research at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. In 2005, Asha Islam Nayeem studied American history and culture at New York University (NYU) under a Fulbright Fellowship program. Asha Islam Nayeem is the General Secretary of the Bangladesh Chapter of IFRWH. Her publications include studies of women in Bangladesh and Japan.

Yuko Takahashi (Japan) has a B.A. in American Studies from Tsuda College, M.A. in history from the University of Kansas and Master’s degree in International Affairs from the University of Tsukuba, and Ph.D. in education from the University of Kansas. She taught at Obirin University, Tokyo, and since 1997 has been a member of the faculty at Tsuda College, Tokyo, where she is professor (2004-present), director of the Center for Women in Research (2008-2011), the Writing Center (2010-2013, 2014-present), Tsuda College Archives (2009-2013) and vice president (2005- 2012). She has been a Fulbright visiting scholar at Stanford University (2003-2004) and at Wellesley College (2013-2014). Her publication includes Tsuda Umeko no Shakaisi [Umeko Tsuda: A Social History] (Tamagawa University Press, 2002) (in Japanese), ”A Japanese American Enterprise: Umeko Tsuda’s Bryn Mawr Network and the Founding of Tsuda College,” China’s Christian Colleges: Cross-Cultural Connections, 1900-1950, Ed. Daniel H. Bays and Ellen Widmer (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009). and coedited Tsuda Umeko o Sasaeta Hitobito [Those Who Supported Umeko Tsuda](Yuhikaku, 2000) and Kazoku to Kyoiku [Family and Education], Jendashi Sosho [A Series of Gender History] Vol. 2 (Akashi Shoten, 2011). She is a board member of the Gender History Association of Japan (2004-present) and an associate member of the Science Council of Japan (2012-present).

Susan Zimmermann (Austria) is University Professor at the Central European University and also teaches at the University of Vienna. She has widely published on social protection policies in local and transnational contexts, the history of women’s organizations and movements internationally and in the Habsburg Monarchy, and on internationalisms and the politics of global inequality. Her most recent monographs are Grenzüberschreitungen. Internationale Netzwerke, Organisationen, Bewegungen und die Politik der globalen Ungleichheit. 17. bis 21. Jahrhundert (Vienna, Mandelbaum, 2010), and Divide, Provide and Rule. An Integrative History of Poverty Policy, Social Policy and Social Reform in Hungary under the Habsburg Monarchy (Budapest-New York, CEU Press, 2011). Currently she is working on a book manuscript entitled International Labour Standards, Women’s Work, and Unequal Development. The ILO, woman internationalists, and globalizing gender politics, 1919-1939 (forthcoming, in German, with Löcker Verlag, Vienna).



reading history at Oxford’, Philippa replied: ‘I ain’t no lady’.

TRIBUTE Professor Jenny Gregory

Professor Philippa Maddern

Historians at the University of Western Australia mourn the passing of Philippa Maddern on 16 June 2014. Winthrop Professor of Medieval History at UWA, founding Director of the Australian Research Council’s Centre for the History of Emotions, former Head of the School of Humanities and former Chair of History, she was an inspirational teacher and colleague.

After a B.A. (Honours) in History and Indonesian, and an M.A. at the University of Melbourne, she completed her D.Phil. at Oxford in 1985. Her resulting book on violence and social order in late medieval East Anglia is still widely cited. Philippa was known especially as an expert on the history of women and the family. One of her most recent publications dealt with the ‘survival strategies’ of single mothers in late medieval England; another explored the experience of children in blended families of the period. Other topics she took up included domestic violence in medieval England; social mobility in the period; widows and land ownership in the Middle Ages, as well as the phenomenon of ‘serial monogamy’ at this time. Her work on the history of medieval society was founded on the painstaking examination of everyday records such as wills and court documents, which helped bring to life the often submerged history of marginalized and vulnerable social groups: women, the poor, children, single mothers. She worked extensively in the local records offices in England, particularly in East Anglia.

Philippa will be sorely missed for her generosity of spirit, collegiality, wise counsel and tenacity, as well as her quick wit. When she was at Oxford in the mid-1980s, she went to see a venerable don she needed to consult for her doctoral thesis. When he remarked ‘Why, in my day, ladies were making tea, not


Paperwork: Gendering the Archive. Australian Women’s History Network symposium

The Australian Women’s History Network symposium, ‘Paperwork: Gendering the Archive’, took place during the 2014 Australian Historical Association Conference this year in Brisbane, Queensland. Nine excellent sessions ran under the AWHN banner including: ‘sexuality, criminality and the archives’ and ‘nineteenth century activism and the archives’. Prof Karen Hagemann (UNC, Chapel Hill) presented a compelling keynote titled: ‘Gender, War and Violence in the Age of World Wars’.

Other events included the launch of the latest issue of Lilith: a Feminist History Journal ( At the AWHN reception and dinner, Professor Mary Spongberg – the outgoing editor of Australian Feminist Studies – talked about her experiences and reflected on changes in feminist studies. We also heard from Angela Gardner, artist in residence for the AHA Conference, who read her poem for the conference and talked about a wonderful artwork she made in response to its theme of conflict. Angela is an editor at

Fiona Paisley and Amanda Kaladelfos, Symposium Co-Convenors

Memory and Activism Symposium

The Forum on Human Rights Research in the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts at the University of Wollongong will host a one-day Symposium on the theme of Memory and Activism on Friday 10 October 2014. Speakers will include Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, Katharine McGregor, Heather Goodall, Devleena Ghosh, Vera Mackie, Marisa Gonçalves and Alexander Brown. For further

information contact Vera Mackie <>

A Celebration of Professor Jill Julius Matthews’ Career: Women’s Studies and Gender Studies @ANU

Thursday, 20 November 2014, 12.30 – 6 pm: Hedley Bull Bldg, ANU, and the National Film and Sound Archives

The 16th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Toronto 2014

A large contingent of Australian scholars travelled to Toronto earlier this year to present at the 16th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, including: Barbara Baird, Jane Carey, Raewyn Connell, Joy Damousi, Penny Edmonds, Vicki Grieves, Patricia Grimshaw, Katrina Gulliver, Jane Haggis, Vicki Haskins, Nikki Henningham, Karen Hughes, Catherine Kevin, Vera Mackie, Alison Mackinnon, Nathalie Nguyen, Fiona Paisley, Penny Russell, Carolyn Strange, Shurlee Swain and Christina Twomey.

Lilith: A Feminist History Journal – Call for


Lilith: A Feminist History Journal is seeking submissions for our next issue.

First published in 1984, Lilith is a peer- reviewed journal which publishes articles and reviews in all areas of women’s, feminist and gender history – not limited to Australia. We are also interested in publishing short historiographical and methodological pieces. Lilith is a valuable forum for both new and established scholars in the field. We particularly encourage submissions from Australian and international postgraduate students and early career researchers.

For details of our submission guidelines please see our website:

The deadline for submissions for the 2015 issue is Sunday, 31 August 2014.

Lilith: A Feminist History Journal is the journal of the Australian Women’s History Network and is produced by a collective of postgraduates and early career researchers from across Australia, along with a distinguished editorial advisory board of leading scholars in the field. New collective members are always welcome. Please contact the Lilith collective if you are interest in being part of our team:

To purchase current or past issues of Lilith, go to:

Reflections on Professor
Teaching, Scholarship and Academic Leadership: From Women’s Studies to the Gender Institute (1984-2013): 12:30 – 2:30, Hedley Bull, Theatre 2

CONFIRMED SPEAKERS: Prof. Joy Damousi (University of Melbourne); Prof. Penny Russell (University of Sydney); Prof. Ann Curthoys (Honorary Associate, University of Sydney); Prof. Sue Sheridan (Emeritus Professor, School of Humanities, Flinders University); Dr. Helen Keane (School of Sociology, ANU); Rebecca Preston, Honours student (School of History, ANU); Emeritus Professor Desley Deacon (ANU).

Gender Studies on Film: Professor Matthews’ contributions to Australia’s history on Screen: 3:30-5:15 Theatrette, NSFA

CONFIRMED SPEAKERS: Ms Christine Cummings (research officer, Film and Sound Archives; Ms Meg Labrum (senior curator, Film and Sound Archives) reflecting on Jill’s contribution to the history of film.

VIDEO CLIP: excepts of Jill’s recorded presentation on history of ‘blue movies’ in Australia (an outcome of her residency in the NFSA’s scholars and artists in residence programme)

MUSICAL HOMAGE: Ms Fiona Fraser (PhD candidate, School of History, ANU) and Dr. Carolyn Strange (ANU).

Organizing committee: Desley Deacon, Carolyn Strange and Angela Woollacott

Enquiries: Katy Wilson, School of History, ANU


For further information about the Australian Women’s History Network, go to:


Jeannine Baker has been awarded the 2014 Dennis-Wettenhall Prize for the best Australian history thesis at the University of Melbourne, for her PhD ‘Beyond the “woman’s angle”: Australian women war reporters during World War II’.


Journal of the Australian Women’s History Network: Lilith: A Feminist History Journal, no. 20, 2014


Alana Piper and Ana Stevenson, ‘Editorial’

Ana Stevenson, ‘“Symbols of our Slavery’: Fashion and the Rhetoric of Dress Reform in Nineteenth-Century American Print Culture’

Jane Miller and David Nichols, ‘Establishing a Twentieth-Century Women’s Profession in Australia: Jocelyn Hyslop, the Little-Known Director of Social Work at the University of Melbourne’

Erin Elizabeth Bell, ‘“For All This We Thank the Führer’: Bio-politics and the Bare Life in A Woman in Berlin: Eight Weeks in the Conquered City. A Diary’

Mayuko Itoh, ‘Japanese Migrant Women’s Transnational Gendered Identity Politics in International Marriages in Australia’

Amanda Harris, ‘Chaperoned into Arnhem Land: Margaret McArthur and the Politics of Nutrition and Fieldwork in 1948’

Carla Pascoe, ‘The Bleeding Obvious: Menstrual Ideologies and Technologies in Australia, 1940-1970’


Alana Stevenson: Drunks, Pests and Harlots: Criminal Women in Perth and Fremantle, 1900-1939, by Leigh S. L. Straw

Petra Mosmann: Things That Liberate: An Australian Feminist Wunderkammer, edited by Alison Bartlett and Margaret Henderson

The Encyclopedia of Women and Leadership in Twentieth Century Australia is now available online at: html

Edited by Judith Smart and Shurlee Swain, the Encyclopedia includes almost 70 thematic and 700 individual entries. It was developed as part of an Australian Research Council Linkage project headed by Professor Patricia Grimshaw, the other outcomes from which are also accessible through the website.

Jane Carey and Jane Lydon (eds), Indigenous Networks: Mobility, Connections and Exchange, New York: Routledge, 2014. Contributors include Catherine Hall, Tony Ballantyne, Caroline Bressey, Ann Curthoys, Ravi de Costa, Zoe Laidlaw, Alan Lester, John Maynard, Cecilia Morgan and Lynette Russell. 15730426/

Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Shame, the New Woman and Marie Corelli in fin-de-siècle Britain’, in David Lemmings and Ann Brooks (eds), Emotions and Social Change: Historical and Sociological Perspectives, New York: Routledge, 2014.

Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Identifying with the Frontier: Federation New Woman, Nation and Empire’, in Maggie Tonkin, Mandy Treagus, Madeleine Seys and Sharon Crozier De-Rosa (eds), Changing the Victorian Subject, Adelaide: The University of Adelaide Press, 2014.

Vera Mackie, ‘Science, Society and the Sea of Fertility: New Reproductive Technologies in Japanese Popular Culture’, Japan Forum, 2014< 080/09555803.2013.874364>

Vera Mackie, ‘Putting a Face to a Name: Visualising Human Rights’. Cultural Studies Review 20 (1) 2014

< /csrj/article/view/3065/3969>

Vera Mackie, ‘The Rhythms of Internationalisation in Post-Disaster Japan’, in Jeremy Breaden, Stacey Steele and Carolyn Stevens (eds) Internationalising Japan as Discourse and Practice, London: Routledge, 2014.

Vera Mackie, ‘Birth Registration and the Right to Have Rights: The Changing Family and the Unchanging Koseki’, in David Chapman and Karl Krogness (eds) Japan’s Household Registration System and Citizenship: Koskei, Identification and Documentation, London: Routledge, 2014.

Forthcoming publications

Diversity in Leadership: Australian women, past and present, edited by Joy Damousi, Kim Rubenstein and Mary Tomsic is to be published by ANU Press later this year. This collection developed from an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant, ‘Australian Women and Leadership in a Century of Australian Democracy’. It aims to document the extent and diverse nature of Indigenous and non-Indigenous women’s social and political leadership across various pursuits and endeavours in local, national and international arenas.

Beyond the Battlefield. Women Artists of the Two World Wars, by Catherine Speck is to be published by Reaktion Press in September this year. Covering Britain, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Beyond the Battlefield is a generously

illustrated account of women artists’ portrayal of both world wars at the front lines and on the home front. For further information, please see ‘Book Releases’ below.

Compiled by Dr Sharon Crozier-De Rosa BELGIUM

Didactical website on second wave

feminism in Belgium

The Belgian Archive and Research Centre for Women’s History launched a website on second wave feminism in Dutch speaking Belgium. The website follows an oral history project, initiated in 2012, in which fifteen women who were active in second wave feminism in Flanders were interviewed.

This didactical website is aimed at a large public and can especially be used in secondary schools’ history classes. It consists of five parts: an introduction to feminism in the 1970s and four different themes: work, family, sexuality and stereotypes. Each topic contains an explanatory introduction, visual archival material, historical documents, video statements and suggestions for further discussion.

Have a look on (only in Dutch). gives access to another educational website, ‘Jongens en meisjes’ (Boys and girls’), that gives an introduction into how gender stereotypes influenced family life, education and work in 19th and 20the century Belgium.


Workshop “Gender and Silence. Hushed (hi)stories of power and resilience in the face of modernity” – 7/11/2014, Leuven

On November 7, 2014 the Forum for Belgian Research in the History of Women, Gender and Sexuality and IdeaLab Silent Signs (ASL –


KU Leuven) co-organize a workshop on gender and silence. This workshop aims to explore the ambiguous relation between practices of silence and gendered identities. Rather than assuming an association between voice and power, and silence and obedience, it seeks to encourage a nuanced analysis of the different ways in which silence has been mobilized or can be mobilized in shaping gendered bodies and behaviors. In teasing out hushed (hi)stories, participants are invited to focus on the perspective of the active non- speaker.


S. Soukias, La production industrielle des différences. Jouets pour filles et jouets pour garçons dans la société de consommation (France-Belgique, 1950- 1980)

Cette recherche, qui correspond au texte d′un mémoire richement documenté et illustré présenté en histoire contemporaine, propose une analyse fine des différents types de discours associés au jouet (des années 1950 aux années 1980, en Belgique et en France), tout en évaluant dans quelle mesure celui-ci, dans sa forme industrielle, contribue à accentuer la répartition stricte des jouets selon le sexe de l′enfant.

S. Soukias, La production industrielle des différences. Jouets pour filles et jouets pour garçons dans la société de consommation (France-Belgique, 1950-1980), Cahiers de l’UF 9, Bruxelles, Université des Femmes, 2013.

C. Marissal, Protéger le jeune enfant. Enjeux sociaux, politiques et sexués (Belgique, 1890-1940)

La thèse de doctorat de Claudine Marissal, archiviste au Carhif, est publiée sous forme de livre, Protéger le jeune enfant. Enjeux sociaux, politiques et sexués (Belgique, 1890-1940). L’auteure, dont la thèse a été récompensée par le prix Suzanne Tassier de l’Académie royale de Belgique, y traite de la protection sanitaire du jeune enfant.

À la fin du XIXe siècle, la protection du jeune enfant prend forme en Belgique. Des médecins et des femmes philanthropes créent des œuvres, les consultations de nourrissons, qui visent à apprendre aux mères à soigner leurs nourrissons suivant les nouveaux préceptes de l’hygiène. Ce livre revient sur l’histoire de ce vaste mouvement éducatif qui visait particulièrement à former les femmes à leurs rôles maternels. Il met en exergue les enjeux majeurs d’une politique sanitaire et familiale: enjeux sociaux, politiques, démographiques et sexués.

Claudine Marissal, Protéger le jeune enfant : enjeux sociaux, politiques et sexués (Belgique,

More information on and


Projection du film-documentaire “Le procès du viol” à l’Université des Femmes – 23/9/2014, Bruxelles

Projection du film-documentaire “Le procès du viol” de Jean-Yves Le Naour sur le procès d’Aix-en-Provence au terme duquel le viol fut redéfini et criminalisé dans la loi française.

La projection sera suivie d’un échange avec deux des principales protagonistes de cette affaire, Anne Tonglet et Araceli Castellano, d’une présentation, par Pascale Maquestiau, de la Commission Violences du Conseil des Femmes francophones de Belgique et de sa plateforme contre le viol, et d’une présentation de l’évolution et de l’actualité du traitement juridique du viol en Belgique par Nathalie Kumps, avocate au Barreau de Bruxelles. Les échanges se termineront par une réflexion commune sur des revendications à faire valoir auprès des juristes qui défendent les victimes de viol.

Mardi 23 septembre 2014 de 18h00 à 21h00

à l’Université des Femmes, Maison Amazone, 10 rue du Méridien, 1210 Bruxelles

Entrée libre
Inscription souhaitée via

http://www.avg-1890-1940), Editions de l’université de Bruxelles, 2014, ISBN 978-2-8004-1560-4.

T. Van Osselaer, The Pious Sex: Catholic Constructions of Masculinity and Femininity in Belgium, c. 1800–1940

Although women were called the ‘pious sex’ much earlier, it was during the nineteenth century, when the differences between men and women were being made more explicit, that an intense bond between women and religion was developed. Religiosity was thought to be a ‘natural’ part of femininity and turned religious masculinity into an oddity. This clear-cut gender ideology, however, remains an ideology (prescribed and contested) that needs to be put in the perspective of its context of origin, the bourgeois milieu. With this volume Tine Van Osselaer seeks to clarify how the gender differentiation was created among Belgian Catholics. She brings to light the extent to which religiosity was inscribed in these constructions and how religious teachings contributed to it. The Pious Sex offers critical commentaries on the ‘feminization’ thesis, a master narrative that has strongly contributed to the introduction of women in religious history.

Tine Van Osselaer, The pious sex : catholic constructions of masculinity and femininity in Belgium, c. 1800–1940. KADOC-Studies on Religion, Culture and Society 12, Leuven University Press, 2014, ISBN 9789058679505.

Du Maroc à la Belgique : 50 printemps

L’Université des Femmes a travaillé par le passé la question des droits des femmes marocaines et maghrébines de plusieurs manières. Cette année, cet intérêt a poussé l’association à se repencher sur le sujet, à l’occasion d’un double anniversaire: les 50 ans de l’immigration marocaine, et les 10 ans de la réforme de la Moudawana.

Le dossier de ce nouveau numéro de Chronique féministe comporte notamment les actes du colloque “50 ans d’immigration marocaine: un anniversaire au féminin” qui s’est tenu à l’espace MAGH le 13 mai 2014. Les approches privilégiées sont à la fois celles de l’histoire, de la sociologie et du droit, avec

une attention particulière pour le traitement de diverses discriminations qui se situent à la croisée du sexisme et du racisme.

Du Maroc à la Belgique: 50 printemps,

Chronique féministe 113, Bruxelles, Université des Femmes, 2014.

S. Richelle, Les “Folles de bailleul” : expériences et conditions d′internement dans un asile français (1880-1914)

Aux contours de l’essentiel absent, Sophie Richelle, part à la rencontre de leur vécu au fil d’un récit captivant, qui décrit leur expérience d’aliénée de manière à la fois humaine et scientifique à travers l’étude approfondie de leur environnement et de leurs conditions d’internement, et cite de larges extraits de leurs écrits.

Sophie Richelle, Les “Folles de bailleul” : expériences et conditions d′internement dans un asile français (1880-1914), Cahiers de l’UF 10, Bruxelles, Université des Femmes, 2014.


Johanna Naber Prize 2014

On April 11, the Dutch-Belgian Vereniging voor Vrouwengeschiedenis (Association for Gender History) and Atria – institute on gender equality and women’s history (Netherlands) awarded the Johanna Naber Prize for the best master paper in gender history. Winner of the 2014 edition is Fabian Van Wesemael (Ghent University), with his paper “’Helden in het hospitaal?’ Een gendergeschiedenis van de ervaring van verpleegsters en artsen in hun omgang met gewonde soldaten en lichamelijkheid tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog” (“‘Heroes in the hospital?’ A gender history of the experiences of nurses and doctors dealing with wounded bodies in the First World War”).

The jury, composed of Mieke Aerts, Gita Deneckere and Ann Romeyns, also praised the paper of Rose Spijkerman (Amsterdam University) “Vrouwenrecht en mannenplicht. De Mannenbond voor vrouwenkiesrecht 1908- 1919” (Women’s right and men’s duty. The Men’s Union for women’s suffrage”).

Prix Université des Femmes 2014


NEWS AND EVENTS Big Berks 2014

The CCWH proudly assumed role of national co-sponsor of the first-ever Canadian Big Berks, held in Toronto in May 2014. The Sixteenth Berkshire Conference on the History of Women – themed Histories on the Edge – ran under the awesome leadership of the indefatigable Franca Iacovetta (U of Toronto). A monumental effort and a spectacular success, the Berks showcased local talent, cutting-edge feminist scholarship in hundreds of panels and productions, and hosted a truly diverse and global crowd of scholars and activists. CCWH-CCHF sponsored a panel on Feminist Mentors, another on Sources and Stories for African-Canadian Women’s History, and the Conference Plenary Session, Indigenous Women Make the World Go Round: Gender, History and the Indigenous World. CCWH-CCHF members participated in making the Toronto Berks a great experience from planning academic and cultural events to making the dance a hit. A special shout out to the co-chairs: Aline Charles, Molly Ladd- Taylor, Adele Perry, and Jayeeta Sharma. Next stop, Long Island in 2017!

The Canadian Committee on Women’s History/ Comité canadien de l’histoire des femmes and the Canadian Historical Association.

Coming on the heels of the exhilarating Toronto Berks, the Canadian Historical Association met at Brock University. The Canadian Committee on Women’s History was headed this year by Magda Fahrni (Chair) and Karen Balcom (Vice Chair). The CCWH sponsored a panel entitled ‘Women and the Law/Les femmes et la loi,’ and organized a Round Table entitled ‘A Scholarly Tribute to Bettina Bradbury, Feminist Historian of the Family/Hommage à Bettina Bradbury, historienne féministe de la famille.’ Professor Bradbury, a long-time member of the CCWH, retired from York University on 1 July 2014,

Le 5 juin, l’Université des Femmes et la

Direction de l’Égalité des chances de la

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles ont décerné les

différents Prix de l’Université des Femmes


1er prix (Master): Carlotta Da Sivla (ULB),

“L′étudiante dans la littérature de la Belle

Epoque. L′invention de la «cerveline» et autres

stéréotypes antiféministes”

2e prix ex-aequo (Master): Aurélie

Detavernier (ULB), “Les femmes et la fonction

publique dans les anciens Pays-Bas à

l′époque moderne”

2e prix ex-aequo (Master): Charlotte

Duquenne (UCL), “La femme gallo-romaine à

travers l′épigraphie lyonnaise durant les trois

premiers siècles de l′Empire”

3e prix (Master): Jessica Machacova (ULB),

“La dimension de genre dans l′interprétation

du statut de réfugié-e en Belgique. Etude d′un

cas de transfert de politiques publiques”

Mention spéciale (Master): Hajar Oulad Ben

Taib (ULB), “Pionnières de l′immigration

marocaine dans la commune de Molenbeek-

Saint-Jean. Parcours de femmes entre 1964 et


1er prix (Baccalauréats): Anne-Florence

Moulin (Haute école libre mosane),

“Décloisonner les stéréotypes de genre?

Quelles activités possibles pour des enfants

de 3ème maternelle avec des jouets

habituellement répandus et porteurs de


Mention spéciale (Baccalauréats): Manon

Louvrier (Haute école provinciale de Hainaut

Condorcet), “Les représentations de genre,

quelles transmissions par les sages-femmes?

Tout commence in utero…”

Contact : Complied by Els Flour and several of her former PhD students reflected upon the ways in which she has helped to shape their work.

The annual CCWH reception was hosted by Carmela Patrias. The reception provided a space to celebrate new publications, including, Catherine Carstairs and Nancy Janovicek’s edited collection entitled Feminist History in Canada: New Essays on Women, Gender, Work, and Nation. This collection, published by UBC Press in 2013, includes over a dozen essays first presented at the CCWH conference held in Vancouver in 2010. Other books launched at the reception included: Stacey Zembrzycki, According to Baba: A Collaborative Oral History of Sudbury’s Ukrainian Community (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2014); Willeen Keough and Lara Campbell, Gender History: Canadian Perspectives (Don Mills: Oxford, 2013); and Dominique Clément’s, Equality Deferred: Sex Discrimination and British Columbia’s Human Rights State, 1953-1984 (Vancouver: UBC Press and the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, 2014).

The first CCWH book prize in women’s and gender history was awarded this year to Leslie A. Robertson with Kwagu’ł Gixsam Clan for Standing up with Ga’axsta’las: Jane Constance Cook and the Politics of Memory, Church, and Custom (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2012). The citation noted that:

“When women’s history emerged as a field in the 1970s, one of its original goals was to reclaim women from the shadows of history. It is fitting that the first CCWH book prize goes to a book that does this and so much more. Ga’axsta’las life story illustrates the vital, multidimensional, and sometimes seemingly contradictory roles that indigenous women played in politics at the community level, as well as in negotiations with the state, in the early twentieth century. Traditional historiographies have misinterpreted her support of the potlatch ban. Standing up with Ga’axsta’las explains how advocacy for women and children, as well as Christianity, informed her criticism of cultural practices that put women in vulnerable positions. The

committee was impressed by the interdisciplinary methodology and the range of sources used to reconstruct her life. Robertson and the Kwagu’ł Gixsam Clan have set a new standard for politically-engaged collaborative research.”

Adele Perry won the CCWH Hilda Neatby Best Article Prize (English language) for “James Douglas, Amelia Connolly, and the Writing of Gender and Women’s History,” in Catherine Carstairs and Nancy Janovicek, eds. Feminist Histories in Canada: New Essays on Women, Gender, Work, and Nation (UBC Press, 2013). Adele Perry revisits familiar terrain in exploring the life of James Douglas, British Columbia’s first governor. The award committee wrote that “The familiarity of James Douglas’ identity as fur trader and governor is partly why Perry’s article is so compelling. Through a careful exploration of the gendered dimensions of the relationship between Douglas and his wife, Amelia Connolly, and of the Connolly-Douglas family’s public identity, Perry firmly establishes the importance of understanding Canadian colonial politics in gendered terms. At the same time, Perry provides a sophisticated analysis of the way transnational intimate heterosexual relationships are informed by, and in turn inform, colonial hierarchies of gender, race and class. This article demonstrates the great value of considering historical subjects as embedded within multi- layered private and public contexts and of developing insights provided by a broad reading of secondary sources, particularly when archival records of individuals do not survive or are unavailable, thereby reinforcing their marginal status in the historical record.”

Thierry Nootens was awarded the CCWH Hilda Neatby Best Article Prize (French language) for “Des privations ne peuvent pas constituer une fortune”: les droits financiers des femmes mariées de la bourgeoisie québécoise face au marché?, 1900-1930,” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française, vol. 65, no. 1, 2011, p. 59-96. The history of women and feminism has shown that from the late 19th century onward, married women in Quebec were at a disadvantage in comparison

to those in the rest of Canada because of legal restrictions imposed upon them by the Civil Code. Nootens asks “What were the consequences of this judicial inferiority for married women apart from property ownership when they were sometimes privileged or protected by their marriage contract?” Using 71 legal cases to understand better the experiences of these women, he goes far beyond a study of the law, revealing the difficulties and constraints weighing upon them, as well as the ambiguities and loopholes found in marriage contracts. He demonstrates that while some women managed to assert their rights in the event of conflict, others were victims of their husband’s unwise transactions, unenforceable clauses and misappropriation of funds. The article unveils the wives’ fragile situation and exposes the difference between that which the law permits or requires, the decisions made by husbands, the constraints imposed by economic hardship and the difficulty of upholding the rights of wives in a market economy.

Valerie Korinek was awarded the prize for the Best Article on the History of Sexuality for her “’We’re the Girls of the Pansy Parade’: Historicizing Winnipeg’s Queer Subcultures, 1930s-1970,” Histoire sociale/Social History 45 (May 2012). From the prize committee: “Blending archival sources and oral histories, Korinek maps Winnipeg’s historically changing queer subcultures over a period of four decades and, in doing so, situates queer subjects as significant players in the history of “a region noted for valorizing nuclear families, faith and farming.” At the same time that Korinek queers the history of the West, she also shifts the existing emphasis in the historiography of sexuality on Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver; Korinek’s research firmly establishes Winnipeg as one of the country’s “queer capitals.” In addition to its empirical and historiographical contributions, the article also represents a significant methodological advance. Drawing on the international literature on queer theory and space while pursuing a rigorous historicization, Korinek eschews a “gay history” in favour of a “queer perspective” that “captures individuals who would not have fit into present-day

categories of sexual orientation and affords a more nuanced, accurate portrait of queer life in Winnipeg.” As a bonus, Korinek’s extensive footnotes function as an excellent bibliography and recent snapshot of the field in Canada.”

PUBLICATIONS – that have appeared since the last IFRWH newsletter and were reported to the editors.


Denyse Baillargeon, Brève histoire des femmes au Québec. Montréal, Boréal, 2012 sera traduit en anglais: A Brief History of Women in Québec. Waterloo (Ontario), Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2014.

Lara Campbell and Willeen Keough, Gender History: Canadian Perspectives. Oxford University Press, 2014.

Catherine Carstairs, and Nancy Janovicek, eds. Feminist History in Canada: New Essays on Women, Gender, Work, and Nation. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013.

Dominique Clément, Equality Deferred: Sex Discrimination and British Columbia’s Human Rights State, 1953-1984. Vancouver: UBC Press and the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, 2014.

Carmen J. Nielson, Private Women and the Public Good: Charity and State Formation in Hamilton, Ontario 1846-1893. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2014.

Anna Sheftel and Stacey Zembrzycki, eds. Oral History Off the Record: Toward an Ethnography of Practice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Stacey Zembrzycki. According to Baba: A Collaborative Oral History of Sudbury’s Ukrainian Community. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2014. Accompanying Websites: and


Donica Belisle, “Guilty Pleasures: Consumer Culture in the Fiction of Mary Quayle Innis.” In Consuming Modernity: Changing Gendered Behaviours and Consumerism, 1919-1945, edited by Cheryl Warsh and Dan Malleck, 258- 273. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013.

Donica Belisle, “Sexual Spectacles: Women in Canadian Department Store Magazines Between 1920 and 1950.” In Feminist History in Canada: New Essays on Women, Gender, Work, and Nation, edited by Catherine Carstairs and Nancy Janovicek, 135-158. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013.

Tarah Brookfield, “Modeling the UN’s Mission in Semi-Formal Wear: Edmonton’s Miss United Nations Pageants of the 1960s,” Contesting Bodies and Nation in Canadian History, eds. Jane Nicholas and Patrizia Gentile (University of Toronto Press, 2013): 247-268.

Sonia Cancian and Simone Wegge, “Exploring the Digitizing Immigrant Letters Project as a Teaching Tool,” Journal of American Ethnic History, Vol. 33, no. 4 (Summer 2014): 34-40.

Sonia Cancian, “The Language of Gender in Lovers’ Correspondence, 1946-1949,” in Donna R. Gabaccia and Mary Jo Maynes, eds. Gender History Across Epistemologies. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013: 235-245.

Catherine Carstairs and Franca Iacovetta, “The Pleasures and Perils of Feminist Tributes – Canada” in the Journal of Women’s History 25, 4 (2013), 212-223.

Aline Charles, «Femmes âgées, pauvres et sans droit de vote, mais… citoyennes? Lettres au Premier ministre du Québec, 1935-1936», Recherches féministes 26, 2 (décembre 2013): 51-70.

Aline Charles, «Les religieuses hospitalières du Québec au XXe siècle: une main-d’œuvre active à l’échelle internationale», dans Marie- Claude Thifault, dir., L’incontournable caste des femmes. Histoire des services de soins de santé au Québec et au Canada, Ottawa, Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa: 79-102.

Lisa Chilton, “Preventing the Loss of Imported Labour: Trains, Migrants, and the Development of the Canadian West,” in Adele Perry, Esyllt Jones, and Leah Morton, eds, Place and Replace: Essays on Western Canada. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2013.

Lisa Chilton, “Travelling Colonist: British Emigration and the Construction of Anglo- Canadian privilege,” in Andrew S. Thompson and Kent Fedorowich, eds, Empire,Identity and Migration in the British World. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013.

Ruth Compton Brouwer, Canada’s Global Villagers: CUSO in Development, 1961-86 Vancover: UBC Press, 2013.

Barbara Freeman, “Breaking Out of the Glass Cage: Women Newspaper Journalists in Canada, 1945-1975” in Modern Canada 1945 to the Present, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Nancy Janovicek, “‘If you’d told me you wanted to talk about the sixties, I wouldn’t have called you back: Reflections on Collective Memory and Oral History.” In Oral History Off the Record: Toward an Ethnography of Practice, edited by Anna Sheftel and Stacey Zembrzycki, 185-199. New York: MacMillan and Palgrave, 2013.

Nancy Janovicek, “Protecting Access to Abortion Services in Rural Canada: A Case Study of the West Kootenays, British Columbia.” Special Issue on Abortion, Magazine of Women’s History 73 (Autumn 2013): 19-28.

Linda Kealey, “Activism and Scholarship,” Canadian Historical Review, 95.1 (March 2014), 78-96.

Kristina K. Llewellyn, “Caring for Feminist History: Relationality in the Work of Veronica Strong-Boag,” Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice 36 (1): 137- 140.

Kristina K. Llewellyn, “Teaching June Cleaver, Being Hazel Chong: An Oral History of Gender, Race, and National ‘Character’” in

C. Carstairs and N. Janovicek, eds. Writing Feminist History: Productive Pasts and New Directions (UBC Press): 178-199.

Kristina K. Llewellyn, “Better Teachers, Biologically Speaking’: The Authority of the ‘Marrying-Kind’ of Teacher in Postwar Schools,” in P. Gentile and J. Nicholas, eds. Contesting Bodies and Nation in Canadian History. (University of Toronto Press): 347- 367.

Kristina K. Llewellyn and D. Nowa,

“Annotated Bibliography of Oral History in Canada,” Oral History Forum d’histoire orale 33: 1-78.

Cecilia Morgan, ‘”Write me. Write me.”: Native and Métis letter-writing across the British Empire, 1800-1870,’ in Kirsty Reid and Fiona Paisley, eds., Writing the Empire: Interventions From Below London: Routledge Press, 2013.

Tamara Myers and Mona Gleason, “History of Childhood in Canada,” Oxford Bibliographies in Childhood Studies, Heather Montgomery, ed. (online resource: New York: Oxford University Press, 2013).

Amanda Ricci, “Searching for Zion: Pan African Feminist Thought and Practice in English-speaking Black Montreal (1967- 1977),” Left History 17, 1 (Spring/Summer 2013): 43-74.

Anna Sheftel and Stacey Zembrzycki, “Professionalizing Survival: The Politics of Public Memory among Holocaust Survivor- Educators in Montreal.” Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 12, 2 (July 2013): 725886.2013.796157#.UjHN2BaSzEo.

Shannon Stettner, “‘We Are Forced to Declare War’: Linkages between Women’s Anti-War Protests and the 1970 Abortion Caravan” in Social History/Histoire Sociale 46, no. 92 (November 2013): 159-178.

Sharon Wall, “They’re ‘More children than Adults’: Teens, Unmarried Pregnancy and the Canadian Medical Profession, 1945-61.” Special issue on Reproductive Health History,

Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 31, 2 (2014).

Stacey Zembrzycki, “Bringing Stories to Life: Using New Media to Disseminate and Critically Engage with Oral History Interviews.” Oral History 41, 1 (Spring 2013): 98-107.


Kristine Alexander was appointed Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Child & Youth Studies and Assistant Professor of History, the University of Lethbridge in July 2013. She is also the Co-Director at the University of Lethbridge Institute for Child & Youth Studies.


Rhonda Hinther was awarded the Marion Dewar Prize, presented by the National Capital Committee on the Scholarship, Preservation and Dissemination of Women’s History. The award, in honour of former Ottawa mayor and feminist activist Marion Dewar, celebrates Canadian historians who specialize in women’s history.


Canadian Women Artists’ History Initiative Conference will be co-hosted in Kingston, ON by Queen’s University and the Etherington Art Centre to coincide with the exhibition The Artist Herself in May 2015.

Lara Campbell continues to co-organize the Herstory Cafe, which hosts accessible and public women’s history events in locations throughout Vancouver. The website is

Mona Gleason, Tamara Myers, and Leslie Paris are hosting the Society for the History of Children and Youth Biennial Conference, June 2015, at University of British Columbia.

See Veronica Strong-Boag and Tiffany Johnstone, “Taking History to the People: Women Suffrage and Beyond,”

The Canadian Association for Women’s Public History (CAWPH) is active on Facebook and Twitter, and is always looking for interesting links to projects of all kinds that relate to women’s history.


This past year witnessed several exhibitions on women’s history and other subjects relevant to women in Canada. Highlights of these exhibits include:

Bloomers to Bikinis: Women’s Wear and Social Change: an exhibit illustrating how women’s fashion changed from 1929 to the 2000s. The exhibit seeks to illustrate parallels between women’s rights and societal attitudes with material artefacts and fashion trends. Costume Museum of Canada.

Walking With Our Sisters exhibit, to raise awareness and call to action regarding the hundreds of Aboriginal women in Canada who have been documented as missing or murdered. The exhibit is comprised of nearly 2000 pairs of moccasin vamps created and donated by hundreds of individuals to pay tribute to this injustice. The large, collaborative art piece will be made available to the public through selected galleries and locations. Various locations across Canada.

Not Behaving Like Ladies: An Anecdotal History of Women’s Participation at Hart House: features interviews with women involved in Hart House since 1972, when women were first admitted, although their involvement in the institution began much earlier. The exhibit looks at the ways in which Hart House functions within its broader social and historical context through the lens of women’s participation. University of Toronto, Hart House.

Women and Work: Drawing on records created in 1924 for the Special Committee to enquire into the Employment of Married Women, this virtual exhibit looks at women

and work in the City of Winnipeg after World War I. City of Winnipeg Archives.

Women of Aspenland: an exhibit put on by the Wetaskiwin and District Heritage Museum that honours the many women who made various contributions to the community of Wetaskiwin and recognizes women as community- and identity- builders.

Brushing It in the Rough: Women, Art & Nineteenth-century Canada: A play on the iconic text Roughing it in the Bush, this exhibit showcases the work of three nineteenth- century women – Anna Jameson, a traveler; Susanna Moodie, a settler; and Alice Killaly, a native-born resident – to their Canadian experiences. The project examines how these women’s art reflected broader social and historical contexts, and contrasts these nineteenth-century examples with the art of Ruth Abernethy, a contemporary artist.

For a fuller version of this newsletter please see the annual newsletter of the Canadian Committee on Women’s History at: http://www.chashcacommittees- cchf/en/archives/newsletters/newsletters.html

Elle est disponible en français et anglais.

Submitted by Tamara Myers, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, International Representative for Canadian Committee on Women’s History – Comité canadien de l’histoire des femmes).



Our Dane in the US at University of Wisconsin- Madison, Pernille Ipsen has won the Mary Maples Dunn Prize for the best article in early American women’s history by an untenured scholar published in the William and Mary Quarterly for “‘The Christened Mulatresses’: Euro-African Families in a Slave-Trading Town”.


Marie-Louise Nosch, “Voicing the Loom: Women, Weaving, and Plotting”. In D. Nakassis, J. Gulizio and S. A James (eds.) KE-RA-ME-JA: Studies presented to Cynthia Shelmerdine. INSTAP Press (2014), 91-101.

Fashionable Encounters. Perspectives and Trends in Textiles and Dress in the Early Modern Nordic World. Ancient Textiles Series 14, Oxbow Books, Oxford 2014, edited by Tove Engelhardt Mathiasen, M.-L. Nosch, Maj Ringgaard, Kirsten Toftegaard, Mikkel Venborg Pedersen.

Agnete Birger Madsen: A dead child in a suitcase: Concealment of birth, infanticide and illegal abortion in Denmark 1900-1950. 156 pages, published by the Womens Museum in Denmark


In 1923 Erna secretly gave birth to a child, which she immediately after strangled to death. Erna was not the only one. From 1900 to 1950, 614 young women were convicted in Denmark of having caused their newborn child’s death. This book is about some of women: Who were they, why did they so desperately want to get free from their illegitimate child, and how did they do it.

The story has never been told before, perhaps because it is so cruel. It is based on research of contemporary documents such as police interrogations, prison records, newspaper articles and photos.

Compiled by Karin Lützen



Clio: Femmes, Genre, Histoire (Clio. Women, Gender, History) has published the first English version of its journal: “When Medicine meets gender”, see http://cairn-

The research consortium LabEx “Writing a New History of Europe” has an axis 6 “Gender & Europe” with the following projects.

Part of a recently developing and recognized approach, gender has much to do with Europe. Whether one considers Europe as a political space, as a market, or as a cultural area, the relations between the sexes are central to the definition of this space and to the divisions at its heart. Research axis6, dedicated to a gendered history of Europe, will develop these questions via two sections:

1. Thinking and constructing Europe, effects of gender: taking into account the differences between the sexes in European political and societal spheres

 The gender of European wars;
 Imagining and/or constructing a peace-time European space: how much importance should we attribute

to gender?
 What women have done to Europe:

utopias and the emergence of a European idea, European movements, continent-wide networks, pressure groups;

 What Europe has done to the relations between the sexes: imposition of gender norms, egalitarian politics, role of the European Court of Justice;

 The European Union: a gendered institution?

2. Being European men and women, living in Europe

 Gender identities: sexuality, familial configurations, sexual violence;

 Demographic comportment and body politics;

 Women and men at work: European configurations;

 Gendered dimensions of political participations, from the subject to the citizen: diversity of the forms of political intervention, access to the right to vote and to political representation, militant engagement, exercise of power;

  •   Demonstrating, learning, transmitting, ignoring gender (belief, culture, education);
  •   Mobility viewed through the prism of gender: intra- and extra-European migrations, the gender of exile and the politics of asylum.Research axis 6 has a transversal approach vis-à-vis other LabEx research axes with which there are numerous crossovers. Our group has a blog that gathers our activities and that circulates information on the history of gender in Europe: research agendaSeveral panels and conferences are planned this year:

    1. Firstly, a panel on the gendered construction of Europe at the “Congrès de l’Institut du Genre”,

panel organized by Françoise Thébaud and Fabrice Virgili at the École normale supérieure de Lyon on September 2014, 3 (members of the panel: Yves Denéchère, Federica Di Sarcina, Geneviève Duchenne, Claire Lafon);

2. A conference on the “Persecution of homosexuals during World War Two: history, memory and prevention of discriminations”, Paris, November 2014, organized by Regis Schlagdenhauffen (LabEx EHNE), with the participation of the Council of Europe;

  1. A conference on “European population circulation in the era of nineteenth-century colonial empires: a gendered reading”, at Université de Nantes on December 2014, 4-5, organized by Virginie Chaillou-Atrous et Delphine Diaz, from the LabEx EHNE
  2. A first conference on the topic“Widows, widowers and widowhoods in Europe in the contemporary period (19th-20th

centuries)”, organized by Peggy Bette and Christel Chaineaud, that will deal with the “Institutions and widowhood in Europe” and will take place at Université de Bordeaux on December 8, 2014,

Furthermore, we are now preparing a first collective publication in partnership with the association Mnémosyne (Association française pour le développement de l’histoire des femmes et du genre): a collection of European texts and documents on the history of women and gender, that will be systematically presented in their own language, translated into French and explained by a short introduction. This publication will be useful to students, professors and researchers.


The Gis Institut du Genre is organizing the first Congress on Gender studies in France at the Ecole normale Supérieure in Lyon, 3-5 septembre 2014. For information, and the program, see

Upcoming conference: Marguerite de Valois, 1615-2015: Colloque international à l’occasion du 400e anniversaire de sa mort (Nérac, 22-23 octobre 2015), organized by the Société Henri IV, de la SIEFAR, de l’UMR 5037, du Conseil Général de Lot-et-Garonne).

The call for papers is here:

Deadline is 30 September 2014. Send one page abstract with a short description of the author to Éliane Viennot (

Upcoming conference: Entre maison, famille et entreprise. Obligations familiales et travail non rémunéré pour le marché de la fin du moyen âge à l’époque contemporaine, Rome, École Française de Rome, 23-24 octobre 2014. Organized by Anna Bellavitis (Université de Rouen), Manuela Martini (Université Paris Diderot- Paris 7) and Raffaella Sarti (Università di Urbino).

Upcoming conference: L’émancipation créatrice, journée d’études à propos des travaux de Geneviève Fraisse, La Sorbonne, 4 décembre 2014; co-organised by the Institut ACTE, Paris1 and PRESAGE, Sciences po.

The conference organized in Toulouse in December 2012 on «Femmes, féminisme et recherches, 30 ans après» to commemorate the conference of 1982 that marks the first step in the institutionalization of feminist studies in France will shortly be available on line on the website of Arpege (the plenary conferences as well as a film):

The conference received support from the following institutions: the MSH of Toulouse, the conseil scientifique of UTM, of the Conseil régional and the conseil général, the townhall of Toulouse, the Ministère des droits des femmes, de la Mission pour la place des femmes du CNRS, the MIPADI of the Ministère de l’enseignement et de la recherche and the Mission pour l’égalité femmes hommes du Sénat.


Loïc SZERDALEHYI, «Femmes d’action». Parcours d’enseignantes d’EPS en France, des recrutements séparés à la mixité des concours (1941-1989), these de doctorat d’histoire (dir. Michelle Zancarini-Fournel and Philippe Liotard) université Lyon1, 11 juin 2014.


Special issues of Journal

MARTINI Manuela and Anna BELLAVITIS, introduction and edition of the special issue, “Household Economies, Social Norms, and Practices of Unpaid Market work in Europe from the 16th Century to Present,” The History of the Family. An International Quarterly, vol. 19, 2014/3.

VIRGILI Fabrice (dir.), Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire, 39 (2014), “Les Lois genrées de la guerre “

ZANCARINI-FOURNEL Michelle and Xavier Vigna (dir.), «Ouvrières, ouvriers», CLIO,

Femmes, Genre, Histoire 38, 2013 (on-line English version shortly available on cairn-

Books by Individual Authors and Edited Collection

BOEHRINGER Sandra and Violaine SEBILLOTTE CUCHET (dir.), “Des femmes en action. L’individu et la fonction en Grèce antique” (hors-série Mètis), Athènes-Paris, EHESS- Daedalus, 2013.

DAVIDOFF Leonore & Catherine HALL [translation into French], Family Fortunes. Hommes et femmes de la bourgeoisie anglaise (1780-1850), Paris, La Dispute, 2014, 444 p. Translated from English by Christine Wünscher, 444 p.

FRAISSE Geneviève, Les excès du genre, concept, image, nudité, Nouvelles éditions Lignes, publication date August 2014.

LEDUC Guyonne (dir.), Comment faire des études-genres avec de la littérature. “Masquereading”. Préface de Marie-Hélène Bourcier, Paris, L’Harmattan, “Des idées et des femmes”, 2014, 308 pp.

MOSSUZ-LAVAU Janine (dir.), Dictionnaire des

sexualités, Robert Laffont Bouquins), 2014, 1024 p.


SOHN Anne-Marie (ed.), Une histoire sans les hommes est-elle possible? Genre et masculinités, ENS Editions, 384 p.

VIENNOT Eliane, Non, le masculin ne l’emporte pas sur le féminin! Petite histoire des résistances de la langue française, Donnemarie-Dontilly, Editions iXe, 2014.

ZANCARINI-FOURNEL Michelle with Bibia PAVARD, Luttes de femmes. Un siècle d’affiches feminists, Paris, éditions Les Échappés, 2013.

Journal Articles

CADÈNE Nicole, «Dalla vittoria di Corrichie alla sconfita di Langside: percorso di Maria Stuarda in veste d’amazzone attraverso la storiografia dell’Ottocento» in Cesarina Casanova, Vincenzo Lagioia (a cura di),

Genere e Storia: persorsi, Bologna, Bononia Univesity Press, 2014, p. 125-133.

FRAISSE Geneviève, «Voir et savoir la contradiction des égalités», Labrys, études féministes/Estudos feministas, no 23, «les philosophies féministes/ filosofias feministas», janvier/juin 2013 (on-line journal); printed in Aline Caillet et Christophe Génin (dir.), Genre, sexe et égalité, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2014, p.11-24.

GUERRY Linda, «Mobilisations transnationales. Le cas de l’International Migration Service, 1921-1939», Monde(s), Histoire, Espaces, Relations, numéro 5, mai 2014, p. 219-237.

MARTINI Manuela, «When Unpaid Workers Need a Legal Status: Family Workers and Reforms to Labour Rights in Twentieth- Century France», International Review of Social History, vol 59, 2, august 2014. tract?fromPage=online&aid=9259430&fulltextT ype=RA&fileId=S0020859014000145

MOULINIER Laurence, «Habemus sanctam! La vie sans fin de Hildegarde de Bingen», Médiévales, 63, automne 2012, Philosophies morales. L’éthique à la croisée des savoirs, p. 145-154.

MOULINIER Laurence, «Hildegarde de Bingen, la sainte thérapeute», Historia, spécial, no 17, mai-juin 2014, p. 50-53.

Pro-Posições vol.25 no.1 Campinas Jan./Apr.2014, p. 55-74.

ZANCARINI-FOURNEL Michelle, “editorial” and “Actualité de la recherche” in «Ouvrières, ouvriers», CLIO, Femmes, Genre, Histoire 38, 2013.

ZANCARINI-FOURNEL Michelle, «Fantasmes, images et réalités du voile et du dévoilement. Exemples en France et en Suisse», Le

Cartable de CLIO, 2013, no 13, p.67-78.

ZANCARINI-FOURNEL Michelle, «Il teppista e la ragazza col velo», Zapruder, 2013, no 32, settembre-dicembre, «Sotto attacco: la violenza politica in discussione», p. 56-69.

ZANCARINI-FOURNEL Michelle with Françoise THÉBAUD, «CLIO Histoire Femmes et Sociétés dans l’historiographie française», Arenal, «Arenal, 20 anos de Historia de las Mujeres», 20: 1; janvier-juin 2013, p. 65-79 .

Articles in Edited Collections

CADÈNE Nicole, «Dalla vittoria di Corrichie alla sconfita di Langside: percorso di Maria Stuarda in veste d’amazzone attraverso la storiografia dell’Ottocento» in Cesarina Casanova, Vincenzo Lagioia (a cura di), Genere e Storia: persorsi, Bologna, Bononia Univesity Press, 2014, p. 125-133.

FRAISSE Geneviève, «Emancipation versus domination», in Olivier Davis (dir.), Ranciere now, Current Perspectives on Jacques Rancière, Cambridge Polity press, 2013, p.47- 65.

FRAISSE Geneviève, «Trois écrits de Jenny d’Héricourt 1809-1875), philosophe politique» in Nelle Arambasin (dir.), Les Affranchies: Franc-Comtoises sans frontières, Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2013, p. 167-183.

GUERRY Linda, «Les grèves oubliées des immigrantes à Marseille» in Mémoire des luttes de l’immigration en France, vol.4 of the collection Penser l’immigration autrement, GISTI, février 2013, p. 76-80.

GUERRY Linda, «Les immigrantes dans la France de l’entre-deux-guerres: des mères au service de la nation» in Constance de Gourcy, Yvonne Knibiehler et Francesca Arena (dir.), Migrations, mobilités et parentalité, Aix-en- Provence, Presses de l’Université de Provence, Collection Penser le genre, 2013, p. 159-171.

MOSSUZ-LAVAU Janine, “Genre et politique” in Anne Muxel (dir.), La vie privée des

ROGERS Rebecca, «Congregações femininas

e difusão de um modelo escolar: uma história



convictions, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2014.

MOULINIER Laurence, «La vie d’une âme, la voix d’une sœur», Introduction à Elisabeth de Schönau, Visions, traduit du latin par Jean- Pierre Troadec, Paris, Le Cerf, 2009, p. 9-31.

MOULINIER Laurence, «Maternità spirituale e direzione di coscienza secondo Ildegarda di Bingen», in G. Filoramo (dir.), Storia della direzione spirituale, II. L’età medievale, a cura di Sofia Boesch Gajano, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2010, p. 185-204.

MOULINIER Laurence, «Virginité, maternité et maux du corps féminin au prisme de l’uroscopie médiévale», in Femmes en fleurs, femmes en corps. Sang, Santé, Sexualités du Moyen Age aux Lumières, études réunies par Cathy McClive et Nicole Pellegrin, Saint- Etienne, Presses de l’Université de Saint- Etienne, 2010, p. 21-36.

MOULINIER Laurence, «œuvres complètes et œuvres qu’on prête: à propos des Opera omnia de Hildegarde de Bingen (1098-1179)», in Composer, rassembler, penser les «œuvres complètes», textes réunis par B. Didier, J. Neefs et S. Rolet, Saint-Denis, Presses universitaires de Vincennes, 2012, p. 165-186

MOULINIER Laurence, «La mémoire de Hildegarde de Bingen en France du Nord et dans la Belgique actuelle», in Desir n’a repos, Mélanges offerts à Danielle Bohler, co-dir. Florence Bouchet, Bordeaux, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, coll. «Eidôlon» (upcoming 2014).

MOULINIER Laurence, “Aspekte des Nachlebens der Hildegard von Bingen in Nordfrankreich und im heutigen Belgien”, Actes du colloque international «Unversehrt und unverletzt: Hildegards Menschenbild und Kirchenverständnis von heute», Mayence, Erbacher Hof, Akademie des Bistums Mainz, 27 février- 3 mars 2013, in Rainer Berndt (dir.) Verbindung mit Maura Zátonyi Erudiri Sapientia), Münster, Aschendorff (upcoming 2014).


CLASCHES, “Guide sur le harcèlement sexuel dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche”

Le Collectif de lutte anti-sexiste contre le harcèlement sexuel dans l’enseignement supérieur (CLASCHES) lance la première édition de Le harcèlement sexuel dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche. Guide pratique pour s’informer et se défendre., “Genre et théorie : Judith Butler nous écrit”. Pour la philosophe américaine, “les théories du genre existent au pluriel”.


FRAISSE Geneviève, “Un logicien de l’égalité, temps du préjugé et sexe de l’esprit.” François Poulain de la Barre (1647-1723): égalité, radicalité, modernité.

Colloque international pluridisciplinaire 11-12 octobre 2012, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon / Université Lyon 3, (sous la direction de Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin). Available on:

FRAISSE Geneviève, «Femmes en révolution, mais 68, années MLF», Leïla Sebbar, Le pays de ma mère, voyage en Frances, Paris, éditions Bleu autour, 2013, p138-142.

Krikorian Gaëlle, Philippe Mangeot, Adèle Ponticelli & Pierre Zaoui, “History trouble. Entretien avec Joan W. Scott”, Vacarmes.

Compiled by Rebecca Rogers








Since 1 April 2014, Prof. Dr. Sylvia Paletschek (University of Frei-burg i. Br.) is the new chairwoman of the AKHFG e.V. with a three- year mandate. She replaces Prof. Dr. Eva Labouvie (University of Magdeburg) who remains a member of the executive board. Prof. Labouvie has been our chairperson for the last three years, and we thank her wholeheartedly for her great work and her commitment!

Prof. Dr. Angelika Schaser (Uni-versity of Hamburg) has been elected vice chairwoman and regional coordinator of the AKHFG section ‘Nord’. Together with Prof. Dr. Gisela Mettele (University of Jena; official representative of the AKHFG at the IFRWH and regional coordinator of the AKHFG section ‘Mitte’), Prof. Dr. Barbara Vogel (em., University of Hamburg), and Dr. Kerstin Wolff (Stiftung Archiv der deutschen Frauenbewegung Kassel and also regional coordinator of the AKHFG section ‘Mitte’) they complete the newly elected board of directors of the AKHFG e.V. since 1 April 2014.


Further information: .html



Call for proposals for the Dissertation Prize of AKHFG e.V. in 2015 (established in 2009 for the best dissertation in women’s and gender history).

Contact: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Paletschek (University of Freiburg i. Br., chair-woman of AKHFG e.V.)

Further information: tationspreis.html

Förderpreis 2013 der Reihe, Dresdner Beiträge zur Geschlech-terforschung in Geschichte, Kultur und Literatur für herausragende genderwissenschaftlich orientierte Ab-schlussarbeiten im Bereich der Geisteswissenschaften: Kunsthistorikerin Teresa Ende

Dissertation (TU Dresden): “Sein und Werden: Paradigmatische Geschlech-terentwürfe bei Wilhelm Lehmbruck”.


Gender – Nation – Emancipation. Women and Families in the ‘long’ Nineteenth Century in Italy and Germany

Contact: Dr. Ruth Nattermann Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

Department of 19th and 20th Century European History

The project is supposed to have a duration of two years, within which two workshops and one international conference will take place. As a result of the collaboration, an edited volume in English will be published at the end of the project.


The project examines for the first time in a comparative way aspects of gender history regarding nation building in Italy and Germany. A particular focus will be on the relationship between Jewish eman-cipation and women’s emancipation, which has been rather neglected in relevant research, the protagonists of the women’s emancipation move-ments, as well as the interconnection between nation, family, and female identities. The period in question is the “long” Nineteenth Century, while the main focus will be on the years between 1848 and the First World War.

The network of scholars has an international and interdisciplinary cha-racter, combining history of gender, family and discourse with biographical research, sociological and pedagogical methods. The research team inte- grates deliberately Jewish history into general history, in order to further exchange between projects that are still rather distanced from each other.

Insights into the relationship between national identities and transnational influences are to be gained by examining women’s and family networks, as well as the international orientation of the German and the Italian women’s emancipation movements.

The concrete objective of the network is the organization of an international conference at the German Historical Institute in Rome, and the publication of the contributions in an edited volume in English.

Members of the network

1. Dr. Ruth Nattermann (head and coordinator of the research team), Ludwig-Maximilians- University Munich

2. Dr. Anne-Laure Briatte Peters, University Paris-Sorbonne

3. Dr. Carlotta Ferrara degli Uberti, Brandeis University

4. Dr. des. Giulia Frontoni, Georg-August- University Göttingen

5. Magdalena Gehring, M.A., Technische Universität Dresden/ Leibniz-Institute of European History in Mainz

6. Prof. Dr. Silvia Guetta, University of Florence, Italy

7. Dr. Philipp Nielsen, Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development in Berlin

8. Petra Pommerenke, M.A., Goethe- University Frankfurt a. M.

9. Daniel Ristau, M.A., Georg-August- University Göttingen

10. Prof. Dr. Angelika Schaser, University of Hamburg

11. Dr. Andrea Sinn, University of California Berkeley

12. Prof. Dr. Perry Willson, University of Dundee, U.K.

Temporary Appointments:

  • –  Project start: 01/12/2014
  • –  First Workshop at the Ludwig-Maximilians- University of Munich: 17 – 19/04/2015

– International Conference with Guest speakers at the German Historical Institute in Rome: 30/09 – 02/10/2015

Guest speakers

1. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Clemens, University of Saarbrücken

2. Prof. Dr. Gadi Luzzatto Voghera, Boston University, Padua

3. Prof. Dr. Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College

4. Prof. Dr. Marion Kaplan, New York University

5. Prof. Dr. Till Kössler, Ruhr-University Bochum

6. Prof. Dr. Ilaria Porciani, University of Bologna

– Second Workshop at the Ludwig- Maximilians-University of Munich: 08 – 10/04/2016

– End of project and completion of publication: 30/11/2016

For further information please contact:

Prof. Dr. Antje Flüchter (IKOS, Oslo) / Dr.

Monika Mommertz (Universität Freiburg i. Br.):

“Verflochtene Lebenswelten. Gen-der und Transkulturalität in der Vormoderne” / Gender and Trans-culturality in premodern period

Further Information:

Sektion Historikertag Göttingen 2014


18 – 20/06/2014

The Homophobic Argument. National politics and sexuality in transregional perspective

Convenor: Research Network Gender in Antisemitism, Orientalism and Occi-dentalism (ReNGOO)

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (Berlin Institute of Technology; regional coordinator of AKHFG Ost/Berlin), Prof. Dr. Christina von Braun, Prof. Dr. Claudia Bruns (Humboldt University of Berlin), Dr. Achim Rohde (Philipps-University Marburg)

Location: Humboldt-Universität zu Ber-lin, Festsaal der Humboldt Graduate School


https://www.tu- 6/ReNGOO_workshop2_program.pdf

31/08 – 05/09/2014

9. Europäische Sommer-Universität: “Asozial”. Kontinuitäten sozialer Stigmatisierung im 20. Jahrhundert / Consistencies of social stigmatiza-tion in the 20th century

Convenors: Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück / Stiftung Branden-burgische Gedenkstätten und Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, TU Berlin

Programme: taltungen/2014ESUR.pdf

24/09/2014; 9.15-13.00h

Siege und Niederlagen, Irrtümer und Erkenntnisse. 30 Jahre Geschlech- tergeschichte. Eine Bilanz / Victories and Defeats, Dead Ends and New Findings. 30 Years of Gender History – A Review

Sektionsleitung: Prof. Dr. Claudia Opitz- Belakhal (Basel)

Location: University of Göttingen, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, Raum 105

Abstract: There can be no doubt: gender has become a very useful category for historical research since the late 1980s, not only in the US but equally in the German speaking countries. Women and gender history has become part and parcel of all kinds of hand- and textbooks, for the academia as well as for schools. On top of that, gender historians helped to change the whole scientific landscape by engaging in the fields of All- tagsgeschichte, historical anthropology and cultural history, discourse and emotions history etc. But it still has not lost entirely the image of a one sided or an overty political approach to history. The panel aims at following up the gender history trajectories of the past roughly thirty years, discussing thereby old and new challenges for historical concepts, themes and theories. It aims especially at making visible important scientific impulses of /in gender history as well as discussing new perspectives and challenges. The panel has two parts: The first one is devoted to a re-assessment of the development of gender history especially in the German speaking countries, ranging from the institu-tionalization of gender history at Universities up to the re-writing of history and the possibilities of a gendered historiography. The second part will be a panel-discussion with five participants from different historical fields and epochs aiming at a clarification of todays challenges for gender history as well as new perspectives for its “mainstreaming”.

Further information: ents/siege-und-niederlagen-irrtuemer-und- erkenntnisse-30-jahre-geschlechtergeschichte- eine-bilanz

24/09/2014, 13h

Annual Membership Meeting of AKHFG e.V., during the event of the 50th Convention of German Historians (German Historikertag)

Convenor: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Paletschek (Universität Freiburg i. Br., Chair-woman of AKHFG e.V.)

Location: University of Göttingen, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude (ZHG), Raum 105

Contact: Mirjam Höfner (coordinator of AKHFG e.V.)

17 – 18/10/2014

22. Louise-Otto-Peters-Tag, Leipzig: Louise Otto-Peters und ihre literarischen Netzwerke / Louise Otto-Peters and her literary network

Contact: Prof. Dr. Susanne Schötz (TU Dresden, regional coordinator of AKHFG Ost)

14 – 15/11/2014

Gender in
Geschichtsunterricht. Die Praktika-bilität theoretischer Perspektiven / Gender in history didactics and history lesson. The practicability of theoretical perspectives

Convenors: Nadja Bennewitz M.A., Prof. Dr. Charlotte Bühl-Gramer (Universität Erlangen-

sources are offering material for that focus? What is the importance of masculinities within this approach? Questions as such are addressed at the conference against the background of the University of Hamburg’s 100th anniversary in 2019. Papers will introduce work in progress from different departments (among them medicine and history) and discuss further perspectives as well as problems.

Convenor: Prof. Dr. Angelika Schaser (University of Hamburg; vice chair-woman of AKHFG e.V. and regional coordinator of AKHFG Nord)

Location: University of Hamburg Contact: Sabine Schart

26/11/2014, 18.00 – 24.00h
Lesenacht: GeschlechterGeschichten – Lange Gender-Lese-Nacht der TU Dresden mit Prof. Dr. Karin Hausen / Gender-Stories – Reading gender literature far into the night, with Prof. Dr. Karin Hausen

Location: TU Dresden

Convenors: Professur für Neuere Deutsche Literatur- und Kultur-geschichte / GenderConceptGroup (TU Dresden)

16 – 17/12/2014

Neue soziale Bewegungen in der ‘Provinz’ (1970–1990) / New movements of social change in ‘rural areas’ (1970–1990)

Convenor: Dr. Julia Paulus (LWL-Institut für westfälische Regional-geschichte Münster, regional coordinator of AKHFG West / Nordrhein-Westfalen)

Further information: cno=3&sort=beitraeger&order=up&epoche=14 7&segment=2&pn=termine

Geschichtsdidaktik und

Nürnberg, Geschichte)

Lehr-stuhl für Didaktik der

Friedrich-Alexander-Univer-sität, Further information: blog/2014/03/cfp-gender-in-geschichtsdidaktik- und-geschichtsunterricht-die-praktikabilitaet- theoretischer-perspektiven-nuernberg-14-15- 11-14/


Conference on Gender and University History

What gender aspects have to be included in a modern university history? What available

Location: Erlangen-Nürnberg

26 – 27/03/2015

Quellenlektüre-Workshop / Work-shop: Reading source documents

Regional Meeting of AKHFG Süd

Convenor: Mirjam Höfner (regional coordinator of AKHFG Süd / Baden-Württemberg)

Location: University of Mannheim

15 – 17/10/2015

Conference: Frauen in der Geschichte Leipzigs – 150 Jahre All-gemeiner Deutscher Frauenverein / Women in the history of Leipzig – 150 years of Allgemeiner Deutscher Frauenverein

Contact: Prof. Dr. Susanne Schötz (TU Dresden; regional coordinator of AKHFG Ost)


22 – 24/10/2015

Conference: Gender – Pietismus – Adel / Gender – Pietism – Nobility

Convenors: Arbeitskreis “Gender und Pietismus” / Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Pietismusforschung der Martin-Luther- Universität Halle-Wittenberg (IZP)

Location: Halle a. d. Saale

Deadline: 22/06/2014

Contact: PD Dr. Christian Soboth (IZP)

Further information: blog/2014/05/cfp-gender-pietismus-adel-halle- oktober-2015/

CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 2013- 2014 (already conducted)

08 – 09/02/2013

Wie geht Geschlechtergeschichte? Workshop für Nachwuchsforscher-Innen / How does gender history works? Workshop for young academics

Regional Meeting of AKHFG Süd

Convenor: Dr. Elsbeth Bösl (TU München; regional coordinator of AKHFG Süd / Bayern)

Location: Deutsches Museum, München

Report: min/user_upload/Tagungsbericht_AKHFG- Workshop_Muenchen.pdf

08 – 10/04/2013

Work in a Globalising World: Gender, Mobility, Markets

Convenor: 5th Annual Seminar of the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology

Location: Internationales Begeg-nungszentrum der Wissenschaft, Guesthouse (IBZ), Bielefeld University, Germany


Workshop: Religion und Ge-schlecht.

Epochenübergreifende Religion and Gender. perspectives

Perspektiven / Supra-epochal

Regional Meeting of AKHFG Mitte

Convenors: Prof. Dr. Gisela Mettele (Universität Jena, regional coordinator of AKHFG Mitte); Dr. Kerstin Wolff (Stiftung Archiv der deutschen Frauenbewegung; regional coordinator of AKHFG Mitte)

Location: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Report: min/user_upload/2013_Workshop_Programm_ Mitte.pdf


“Geschlecht, Migration und Arbeit (1800– 1945)” / Gender, Migration and Work (1800– 1945)

Annual Membership Meeting of AKHFG e.V.

Convenor: Prof. Dr. Eva Labouvie (Otto-von- Guericke Universität, Mag-deburg; member of the board of directors of AKHFG e.V. chairwoman of AKHFG e.V. from 04/2011 to 04/2014)

Location: Universität Bielefeld

Programme: min/user_upload/2013_Mitgliederversammlung .pdf


»Neue Sexualitätsgeschichte: Deut-sche Frauen und ihre Beziehungen zu Kriegsgefangenen im Zweiten Weltkrieg« / New history of sexuality: German women and their relations to prisoners of war during Second World War

Regional Meeting of AKHFG Nord

Convenor: Prof. Dr. Angelika Schaser (University of Hamburg; vice-chairwoman of AKHFG e.V. and regional coordinator of AKHFG Nord)

Location: University of Hamburg


Prof. Dr. Cornelie Usborne hat ihr aktuelles Projekt unter dem Titel “Neue Sexualitätsgeschichte: Deutsche Frau-en und ihre Beziehungen zu Kriegsgefangenen im Zweiten Welt-krieg” vorgestellt. Im Sinne einer Kulturgeschichte der Sexualität ist Usborne dabei an der Selbstsicht von Frauen auf ihre Sexualität interessiert und versucht deshalb deren Selbstdeutungen zu rekonstruieren. Sie versteht diese Perspektive als “Geschichte von unten”, die sie auf den drei miteinander verschränkten Ebenen Wissen, Praxis und Einzel-person angesiedelt hat. Ihre Befunde zeigen, dass Frauen ihre Sexualität durchaus aktiv, selbstbestimmt und auch widerständig

gegen die herr-schende Rassenideologie auslebten. Sie erkannte darin einen gegen die zeitgenössische Sexualmoral gerichte-ten “Eigensinn” (Lüdtke) der Akteurinnen. Als Quellen wertet Usborne diverse Archivalien aus, darunter umfangreiche Vernehmungs- protokolle verschiedener Polizei-behörden, aber auch Photographien und autobiographische Texte wie persönliche Briefwechsel, u.a. zwischen den Frauen und ihren (Ehe-) Partnern sowie ihnen und den Kriegsgefangenen. Die Diskussion im Anschluss an ihren Vortrag kreiste um die Aussagekraft dieser Quellen für die gewählte Perspektive und die Bedeutung von Usbornes Ergebnissen für die zukünftige NS- und Mentalitäts-geschichte. Das Projekt ist weit fortgeschritten, sodass die ersten Artikel schon in der nächsten Zeit erscheinen sollen und die Debatte damit bald fortgeführt werden kann.


Erstes Dresdner Nachwuchs-kolloquium zur Geschlechter-forschung / Workshop for young academics to gender studies

Location: TU Dresden

Convenors: GenderConceptGroup der TU Dresden: Prof. Dr. Maria Häusl, Prof. Dr. Stefan Horlacher, Dr. phil. habil. Sonja Koch, Prof. Dr. Gudrun Loster-Schneider, Prof. Dr. Susanne Schötz (regional coordinator of AKHFG Ost).

28 – 29/11/2013

Interdisziplinäre Tagung: Armut: Gender- Perspektiven ihrer Bewäl-tigung in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart / Poverty- accomplish-ment in past and present from gender-perspectives

Convenors: GenderConceptGroup der TU Dresden: Prof. Dr. Maria Häusl, Prof. Dr. Stefan Horlacher, Dr. phil. habil. Sonja Koch, Prof. Dr. Gudrun Loster-Schneider, Prof. Dr. Susanne Schötz (regional coordinator of AKHFG Ost).

Location: TU Dresden
Report: Armut. Gender-Perspektiven ihrer

Bewältigung in Geschichte und Gegenwart.

28.11.2013-29.11.2013, Dresden, in: H-Soz-u- Kult, 25.03.2014 []

31/01 – 02/02/2014

Wie weiter mit Geschlechter-geschichte? Workshop für Nach-wuchsforscherInnen / How to go on in gender studies? Workshop with young academics

Regional Meeting of AKHFG West

Convenors: Prof. Dr. Anne Conrad (Universität des Saarlandes, regional coordinator of AKHFG West / Saarland; Rheinland-Pfalz), Johanna E. Blume, Jennifer J* Moos (“Forum


The numerous books published in Germany in women’s and gender history includes the following:


Bock, Gisela (2013): Women‘s History zwischen Amerika und Europa: Gerda Lerner (30. April 1920 – 2. January 2013), in: Geschichte und Gesellschaft 39/2, S. 259-278.

Bock, Gisela (2013): Women‘s History and Gender History, in: Arenal. Revista de historia de las mujeres 20/1: 20 años de Historia de las Mujeres. Perspectivas internacionales, S. 41-50.

Bruch, Julia (2013): Die Zisterze Kaisheim und ihre Tochterklöster. Studien zur Organisation und zum Wirtschaften spätmittelalterlicher Frauenklöster mit einer Edition des‚ Kaisheimer Rechnungsbuches‘, Mün-ster u.a.: LIT.

Bruns, Claudia et al. (Hg.) (2013): Fundamentalism and Gender. Scripture-Body- Community, Eugene.

Conrad, Anne (Hg.) (2013): Welt-geistliche Frauen in der Frühen Neuzeit. Studien zum weiblichen Semireligiosentum (KLK = Katholi- sches Leben und Kirchenreform im Zeitalter der Glaubensspaltung, 73), Münster.

Feustel, Adriane (2013): Das Konzept des Sozialen im Werk Alice Salomons, Berlin: Metropol Verlag.

Fischer, Ole (2013): Macht und Ohnmacht des frommen Mannes. Religion und Männlichkeit in der Biographie Adam Struensees (1708–1791) (= Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur Mitteldeutschlands, Bd. 2), zugel. Diss. Univ. Jena, Halle (Saale).

Friedrich, Jutta (2013): Alice Rühle-Gerstel (1894–1943). Eine in Vergessenheit geratene Individual-psychologin, Würzburg.

Götz, Anna-Maria (2013): Die Trauernde. Weibliche Grabplastik und bürgerliche Kultur um 1900, Köln.

Geschlechterforschung”, Saarlandes)

Universität des des Saarlandes,

Location: Saarbrücken


Universität min/user_upload/2014_Gender- Workshop_Saarbruecken_Tagungsbericht_AK HFG.pdf

04 – 06/04/2014

“Die Waffen nieder?” Frauen und Frieden 1914–2014. Zuschreibungen – Kämpfe – Verhinderungen / Women and Peace 1914– 2014. Attributions – Fights – Prohibitions

Regional Meeting of AKHFG Süd

Convenors: Frauen & Geschichte Baden- Württemberg e.V. / Landes-zentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg

Location: Haus auf der Alb (Tagungszentrum der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung), Bad Urach

Programme: ngen.html?&tx_crilpbeventmodule_pi1[showUi d]=8814&tx_crilpbeventmodule_pi1[0]=0&cHa sh=9841e50a7eaeefd6aaeee5ff3fb654bb

Harders, Levke (2013): American Studies. Disziplingeschichte und Geschlecht, Stuttgart.

Hertling, Anke (2013): Eroberung der Männerdomäne Automobil Die Selbstfahrerinnen Ruth Landshoff-Yorck, Erika Mann und Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Bielefeld.

Labouvie, Eva (2013): “Gauckeleyen” und “ungeziemende abergläubische Seegensprüchereyen”. Magische Prak-tiken um Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett, in: Eva Kreissl (Hg.): Kulturtechnik Aberglaube. Zwischen Aufklärung und Spiritualität. Strategien zur Rationalisierung des Zufalls, Bielefeld, S. 271-297.

Lundt, Bea/Toni Tholen (Hg.) (2013): “Geschlecht“ in der Lehramts-ausbildung. Die Beispiele Geschichte und Deutsch, Berlin.

Meiners, Antonia (2013): Die Stunde der Frauen. Zwischen Monarchie, Weltkrieg und Wahlrecht 1913-1919, München.

Mengis, Simone (2013): Schreibende Frauen um 1500. Scriptorium und Bibliothek des Dominikanerinnen-klosters St. Katharina St. Gallen, Berlin.

Paletschek, Sylvia (Hg.) [mit Elisabeth Cheauré u. Nina Reusch] (2013): Geschlecht und Geschichte in populären Medien, Bielefeld: transcript.

Schaser, Angelika (2013): Eingeschrieben?: Geschlecht in Auto-biographien der ersten Politikerinnen in Deutschland, in: Homme 24.2, S. 23-38.

Schenk, Britta-Marie (2013): Behinderung – Genetik – Vorsorge. Sterilisationspraxis und human-genetische Beratung in der

Schötz, Susanne (Hg.) [mit Johanna Ludwig/Gerlinde Kämmerer] (2013): Kunst und Künstlerinnen im Umfeld von Louise Otto- Peters. Berichte vom 20. Louise-Otto-Peters- Tag 2012, Leipzig [= LOUISEum 33. Samm- lungen und Veröffentlichungen der Louise- Otto-Peters-Gesellschaft e.V. Leipzig].

Contact: Wagner-Hasel, Beate (2013): Marriage Gifts

in Ancient Greece, in: Michael L. Satlow (Hg.), The Gift in Antiquity, Malden, Mass.: Wiley- Blackwell, S. 158-172.

Wolf, Hubert (Hg.) (2013): “Wahre” und “falsche” Heiligkeit. Mystik, Macht und Geschlechterrollen im Katholizis-mus des 19. Jahrhunderts, München.


Conrad, Anne (Hg.) [mit Johanna E. Blume/Jennifer J* Moos] [forthcoming 2014]: Wie weiter mit Geschlech-tergeschichte? [Publikation der Tagung in Saarbrücken 2013].

Conrad, Anne (Hg.) [mit Astrid Fellner/Jennifer J* Moos] (2014): Gender überall!? Beiträge zur interdisziplinären Geschlechterfor-schung, Sankt Ingbert: Röhrig-Verlag (= SOFIE. Schriftenreihe zur Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Bd. 19).

Lundt, Bea (Hg.) (01 – 02/2014): Reihe “Historische Geschlechterfor-schung und Didaktik. Ergebnisse und Quellen” (= Geschichte in Wissen-schaft und Unterricht – Gender-geschichte).

Labouvie, Eva (2014): The International Women’s (rights) Movement. Transformation Processes in Gender Relations since the 1860s, in: Gumanizacija Obrazovanija, Heft 1.

Ludwig, Johanna [†] (2014): Eigner Wille und eigne Kraft. Der Lebensweg von Louise Otto- Peters bis zur Gründung des Allgemeinen Deutschen Frauenvereins 1865. Nach Selbst- zeugnissen und Dokumenten, Leipzig.

Paulus, Julia (2014): Die ‘Mobilmachung des Heimatheeres’: Zur Geschlechter(un)ordnung im Ersten Weltkrieg, in: An der Heimatfront – Westfalen und Lippe im Ersten Weltkrieg,

Bundesrepublik, in:
Forschungen 10.3, http://www.zeithistorische-

Schötz, Susanne (2013): 20 Jahre Louise- Otto-Peters-Gesellschaft in Leipzig, in: JahrBuch für Forschungen zur Geschichte der Arbeiter-bewegung III, S. 157-168.

Zeithistorische S. 433-454,

LWL-Museumsamt (Hg., Redaktion: Silke Eilers), Münster, S. 54-73.

Rendtorff, Barbara/Birgit Riegraf/Clau-dia Mahs (Hg.) (2014): 40 Jahre Femi-nistische Debatten. Resümee und Ausblick, Weinheim.

Schötz, Susanne (Hg.) [mit Gerlinde Kämmerer] (2014): Zum Stand der biografischen Forschung in der Frauenbewegung. Berichte vom 21. Louise- Otto-Peters-Tag 2013, Leip-zig [= LOUISEum 34. Sammlungen und Veröffentlichungen der Louise-Otto-Peters-Gesellschaft e.V. Leipzig].

Contact: Schüler-Springorum, Stefanie [forthcoming

ARIADNE. Forum für Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, Heft 67-68 [forthcoming 06 – 07/2015]: “Und sie bewegt sich doch! 150 Jahre Frauenbewegung in Deutschland – eine Jubiläumsausgabe” [working title]

Call for articles: http://www.addf- 68_CfA.pdf

There are two editions per annum of

feministische studien. Editorial work on submissions to feministische studien is based on a blind peer-review proce-dure. (Currently editors: Rita Casale / Claudia Gather / Sabine Hark / Friederike Kuster / Regine Othmer / Tanja Thomas / Ulla Wischermann):

feministische studien, Heft 1 (2013): Was ist und wozu heute noch feministische Theorie?

feministische studien, Heft 2 (2013): Sorgeverhältnisse

feministische studien, Heft 1 (2014): Intimitäten

Reihe Geschichte und Geschlechter, Campus Verlag (currently published by Claudia Opitz- Belakhal / Sylvia Paletschek / Angelika Schaser / Beate Wagner-Hasel):

Oberländer, Alexandra (2013): Unerhörte Subjekte. Die Wahr-nehmung sexueller Gewalt in Russland 1880-1910, Frankfurt a.M.: Campus-Verlag (= Geschichte und Geschlech- ter, Bd. 63).

Spilker, Annika (2013): Geschlecht, Religion und völkischer Nationalismus. Die Ärztin und Antisemitin Mathilde von Kemnitz-Ludendorff (1877-1966), Frankfurt a.M.: Campus-Verlag (= Geschichte und Geschlechter, Bd. 64).

Hüchtker, Dietlind (2014): Geschichte als Performance. Politische Bewegun-gen in Galizien um 1900, Campus-Verlag (= Geschichte und Geschlech-ter, Bd. 65)

Further information: verlag/wissenschaft/geschichte/geschichte_als _performance-8192.html

09/2014]: Perspektiven Geschichte: Ge-schlecht Schöningh Verlag.

deutsch-jüdischer und Differenz,

There are two editions per annum of ARIADNE. Forum für Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte (published by Archiv der deutschen Frauen-bewegung e.V.):

ARIADNE. Forum für Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, 63 (2013) H 1: Haus und Hof. Geschlech-terdiskurse im »Reich der Frau«


ARIADNE. Forum für Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, 64 (2013) H 2: Von Antiatomkraftbewegung bis Ökofeminismus


ARIADNE. Forum für Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, Heft 65 (05/2014): “Talkin’ ’bout my Generation?! Generationelle Ent-wicklungslinien in der Frauen-bewegung”


ARIADNE. Forum für Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, Heft 66 [forthcoming 11/2014]: “Frieden?! Visionen, Diskurse und Analysen von Frauen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert” [working title]

L’Homme. Europäische Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichts-wissenschaft / European Journal of Feminist History. The peer reviewed journal appears twice a year. (Currently published by Christa Hämmerle et. al.):

L’Homme, Heft 1 (2013): Romantische Liebe L’Homme, Heft 2 (2013): Auto/Biographie

L’Homme, Heft 1 (2014): Heiraten nach Übersee

Compiled by Prof. Dr. Sylvia Paletschek (Vorsitz)


PUBLICATIONS Early Modern history

Dialeti, Androniki 2013, «Αναζητώντας το γυναικείο υποκείμενο στην πρώιμη νεότερη Ευρώπη: πρόσφατες ιστοριογραφικές κατευθύνσεις» [Anazitontas to gynaikeio ypokeimeno stin proimi neoteri Evropi: prosfates istoriografikes katefthynseis] [In Search of the Female Subject in Early Modern Europe: Recent Historiography], Τα Ιστορικά [Historica] 58 (2013), pp. 107-130 [in Greek].

Late Modern and Contemporary history (19th – 21st centuries)

Avdela, Efi 2013, ‘Νέοι εν Κινδύνω’. Επιτήρηση, Αναμόρφωση και Δικαιοσύνη Ανηλίκων μετά τον Πόλεμο [‘Neoi en Kindyno’. Epitirisi, Anamorfosi kai Dikaiosyni Anilikon meta ton Polemo] [‘Youth in Danger’. Surveillance, Reformation and Juvenile Justice After the War], Athens, Πόλις [Polis] [in Greek].

Anagnostopoulou, Chrysoula 2013, «Το γυναικείο ζήτημα στο περιοδικό Η Βοσπορίς» [To gynaikeio zitima sto periodiko I Vosporis] [The women’s issue in journal Bosporis], Μνήμων [Mnimon] 32 (2011-2012), pp. 125- 150 [in Greek].

Denissi, Sophia 2013, «Kairi, Evanthia», Le Dictionnaire universel des Créatrices, Henri Tonnet- Sophia Denissi, Direction de secteur

Littérature de Grèce et de Chypre, Paris: des femmes-Antoinette Fouque, vol. II G-P, p. 2237 [in French].

Denissi, Sophia 2013, «Moutzan- Martinengou, Élisabeth», Le Dictionnaire universel des Créatrices, Henri Tonnet- Sophia Denissi, Direction de secteur Littérature de Grèce et de Chypre Paris: des femmes- Antoinette Fouque, vol. II G-P, pp. 3048-3049 [in French].

Denissi, Sophia 2013, «Michanidou, Maria», Le Dictionnaire universel des Créatrices, Henri Tonnet- Sophia Denissi direction de secteur Littérature de Grèce et de Chypre Paris: des femmes-Antoinette Fouque, vol. II G-P, p. 2912 [in French].

Denissi, Sophia 2013, «Papadopoulou, Alexandra», Le Dictionnaire universel des Créatrices, Henri Tonnet- Sophia Denissi, Direction de secteur Littérature de Grèce et de Chypre Paris: des femmes-Antoinette Fouque, vol. II G-P, p. 3342 [in French].

Denissi, Sophia 2013, «Parren, Callirhoé», Le Dictionnaire universel des Créatrices, Henri Tonnet- Sophia Denissi, Direction de secteur Littérature de Grèce et de Chypre Paris: des femmes-Antoinette Fouque, vol. III P-Z, pp. 3360-3361 [in French].

Denissi, Sophia 2013, «Efimeris ton Kyrion, Journal des Dames», Le Dictionnaire universel des Créatrices, Henri Tonnet- Sophia Denissi, Direction de secteur Littérature de Grèce et de Chypre Paris: des femmes-Antoinette Fouque, vol.1 Α-G, pp. 1398-1399 [in French].

Denissi, Sophia 2014, Ανιχνεύοντας την «αόρατη» γραφή: γυναίκες και γραφή τα χρόνια του ελληνικού Διαφωτισμού- Ρομαντισμού [Anihnevontas tin ‘aorati’ grafi: gynaikes ke grafi sta chronia tou ellinikou Diafotismou- Romantismou] [Tracing “Invisible” Writing: Women and Writing in the Years of Greek Enlightenment-Romanticism], Athens, Νεφέλη [Nefeli] [in Greek].

Denissi Sophia (forthcoming), «Η ‘ταπεινή’ τέχνη της μετάφρασης και οι Ελληνίδες μεταφράστριες της γαλλικής γραμματείας του 19ου αιώνα : απόπειρα αποτίμησης» [I “tapeini” techni tis metafrasis kai i Ellinides metafrastries tis gallikis grammateias tou 19ou aiona: apopeira apotimisis] [The “humble” art of translation and the Greek women translators of French Letters in the 19th century], Πρακτικά επιστημονικού συνεδρίου [Proceedings of the Conference] «Figures de traducteurs dans l’ espace franco-hellénique (19ème-21ème siècles)», Athènes, 6-8 mars 2014, Université d Athènes –Institut Français de Grèce [in Greek].

Efthymiou, Loukia 2013, «Ahrweiler-Glykatzi, Hélène», in Béatrice Didier, Antoinette Fouque, Mireille Calle-Cruber (dir.), Le dictionnaire universel des créatrices, Paris, des femmes, 2013, vol. 1, p. 75.

Efthymiou, Loukia 2013, «Christophilopoulou, Aikaterini», in Béatrice Didier, Antoinette Fouque, Mireille Calle- Cruber (dir.), Le dictionnaire universel des créatrices, Paris, des femmes, vol. 1, p. 905.

Efthymiou, Loukia 2013, «Laiou, Angeliki», in Béatrice Didier, Antoinette Fouque, Mireille Calle-Cruber (dir.), Le dictionnaire universel des créatrices, Paris, des femmes, vol. 2, p. 441.

Efthymiou, Loukia 2013, «Témoignages de professeures mobilisées : aspects genrés d’une histoire de l’intime durant la Grande Guerre en France», in Gislinde Seybert, Thomas Stauder (eds.), Heroisches Elend, Der Erste Weltkrieg im intellektuellen, literarischen und bildnerischen Gedächtnis der europäischen Kulturen, Francfort, Peter Lang, vol. 2, pp. 857-871.

Gotsi, Glafki 2013, «Πολιτική του σώματος και φεμινισμός: ο ρόλος της γυναικείας performance τη δεκαετία του ’70» [Politiki tou somatos kai feminismos: o rolos tis gynaikeias performance ti dekaetia tou ’70] [Body politics and feminism: women’s performance in the 1970s], in Α. Avgitidou / Ι. Vamvakidou (eds.), Performance now v. 1: επιτελεστικές πρακτικές στην τέχνη και δράσεις in situ [Performance now v. 1: epitelestikes praktikes stin techni kai draseis in situ] [Performance now v. 1: performative practices in art and in situ actions], Athens, Ίων [Ion], pp. 71-88 [in Greek].

Kanner, Efi 2013, «Έμφυλες διαστάσεις της πολιτικής συμμετοχής και αντιπροσώπευσης στην Τουρκία» [Emfyles diastaseis tis politikis symmetochis kai antiprosopefsis stin Tourkia] [Gendered Dimensions of Political Participation and Representation in Turkey], Σύγχρονα Θέματα [Syghrona Themata] 122- 123, pp.119-129 [in Greek].

Kanner, Efi 2013, «Some gendered aspects of the ‘Arab Spring’», Actes du colloque international Les soulèvements dans le monde arabo-musulman : questions de paix et de stabilité en Méditerranée, Department of Turkish and Modern Asian Studies, University of Athens, December 10-12, 2012, Athens, Λειμών [Leimon], pp. 697-709.

Sklavenitis, Costoula 2013, «Αντισύλληψη, έκτρωση, σεξουαλικότητα: μια φεμινιστική έκθεση του 1976» [Antisyllipsi, ektrosi, sexoualikotita: mia feministiki ekthesi tou 1976] [Contraception, abortion, sexuality: a 1976 feminist report], Αρχειοτάξιο [Archeiotaxio] 15 (2013), pp. 76-83 [in Greek].


Papastefanaki, Leda 2013, review for: «Lex Heerma van Voss, Els Hiemstra-Kuperus, and Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk, editors, The Ashgate Companion to the History of Textile Workers, 1650-2000 (Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2010)», Aspasia, 7, pp. 258-262.


University of Athens

Department of French Language and Literature, academic year 2013-2014: One undergraduate course on «Histoire du genre 18e-20e siècles» (taught by Loukia Efthymiou in Winter Semester 2013). The Department’s Master Program offers one course on «Genre et Education. Histoire de la mixité en France et en Grèce, 19e et 20e siècles» (taught by Loukia Efthymiou in Winter Semester 2013).

The International Yearbook

of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern

European Women’s and Gender History

University of Loannina

The Department of History and Archaeology offers undergraduate courses on «Women’s history in Greece, 19th – 20th centuries» and also the courses on «Economic and Social History of Greece, 19th – 20th centuries» and «Neohellenic cities, 19th – 20th centuries», all of which have a strong gender and women’s history perspective (taught by Leda Papastefanaki). The Department’s Master Program offers gender-attentive courses on «Labour in the contemporary world: historiographical approaches», «The city and industry (20th century): historiographical approaches» and «Women’s history and gender history» (taught by Leda Papastefanaki).

Compiled by Glafki Gotsi



Cumann na mBan 100; Centenary commemorations of Cumann na mBan, 2-5 April 2014

On 2 April 1914 a meeting of female nationalists was held in Wynn’s Hotel in Dublin. This was to announce the formation of a new organisation for women, Cumann na mBan. Cumann na mBan was to become the most influential woman’s group in early 20th- century Ireland, and had its origins in two powerful ideologies which were driving the socio-political transformation of Ireland (and Europe) in the first decades of the 20th century – nationalism and feminism. Between 1914 and 1922 thousands of Cumann na mBan women participated in the Irish nationalist struggle and it is these women who were commemorated on the 100th anniversary of its foundation in 2014. As much of the work and activities of the Cumann na mBan women has been forgotten or overlooked in the historical record, 2014 seemed the opportunity to bring the contribution of nationalist women to the Independence struggle fully into the light. A special stamp was produced by An Post (the

Irish postal service) to commemorate the 100 year anniversary.

Between 2-5 April 2014, the Women’s History

Association of Ireland (WHAI) in association

with its partners, the Department of Arts,

Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Glasnevin

Museum, and the National Museum of Ireland,

Collins Barracks, hosted a series of events to

mark the centenary of the foundation of

Cumann na mBan. At a ceremony on 2 April,

President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, laid a

wreath at the Sigerson Memorial, Glasnevin

Cemetery, to commemorate the women of

Cumann na mBan, which was followed by

music and readings and a guard of honour by

the Defence Forces. Minister Jimmy Deenihan,

Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht,

and other organisations laid a wreath at the

grave of Cumann na mBan member Elizabeth

O’Farrell as a symbol of the contribution of the

many thousands of other members. After the

ceremony a special exhibition on Cumann na

mBan was opened in the Glasnevin Museum

and a memorial lecture was given by Dr Mary

McAuliffe, the then President of the WHAI. On

3 April, Minister Deenihan unveiled a specially

commissioned plaque at Wynn’s Hotel, Abbey

Street, Dublin, which commemorated the first

Cumann na mBan meeting at this location.

This will hang beside the plaque

commemorating the Irish Volunteers, who also held their first meeting in Wynn’s Hotel in 1913.

The WHAI will be announcing a call for papers soon for their 2015 annual conference, ‘Women in the First World War Era’ which takes an expansive view of women during the Great War, including activism, social and economic conditions as well as activities directly related to the conflict and women’s contributions North and South. The conference will be held at NUI Maynooth, Kildare.

Please visit the WHAI site ( for further details on forthcoming events, on prizes available, and to become a member to join our

A two-day conference on Cumann na mBan

was hosted by the WHAI at the National

Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks, Dublin,

4-5 April. Keynote speakers included, Dr


Revolution, 1913-1923
(author of The Dynamics of War and Revolution: Cork City, 1916-1918

Unmanageable Revolutionaries: Women and Irish Nationalism

The conference was a great success and videos of the papers given will soon be available online. See our site for links


At the Women’s History Association of Ireland annual conference in April 2014 a new executive committee was elected. Dr Jennifer Redmond, NUI Maynooth is the President, Dr Sarah Anne Buckley, NUI Galway, is the Treasurer, Dr Elaine Farrell, Queen’s University Belfast, is the International Secretary and is also the new Ireland representative to the IFRWH, Dr Conor Reidy, University of Limerick, continues as Secretary, and Dr Mary McAuliffe, Dr Clare Gorman, Dr Clare O’Halloran and Ms Gerri O’Neill are the ordinary committee members.

mailing list. @WHAIreland


Laura Kelly, Irish Women in Medicine, c.1880s−1920s: Origins, Education and Careers (Manchester University Press, 2013).

This book is the first comprehensive history of Irish women in medicine in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It focuses on the debates surrounding women’s admission to Irish medical schools, the geographical and social backgrounds of early women medical students, their educational experiences and subsequent careers. It is the first collective biography of the 760 women who studied medicine at Irish institutions in the period and, in contrast to previous histories, puts forward the idea that women medical students and doctors were treated fairly and often favourably by the Irish medical hierarchy. It highlights the distinctiveness of Irish medical education in contrast with that in Britain and is also unique in terms of the combination of rich sources it draws upon, such as official university records from Irish universities, medical journals, Irish newspapers, Irish student magazines, the memoirs of Irish women doctors, and oral history accounts. ( gi-bin/indexer?product=9780719088353)

Andrew Sneddon, Possessed by the Devil: The Real History of the Islandmagee Witches & Ireland’s Only Witchcraft Mass Trial (History Press Ireland, 2013).

1916-1923) and Dr Margaret Ward (author of). There were over 50 papers from many eminent national and international scholars.

This is the first historical account of the trial and conviction of eight female witches and one male witch for the demonic possession by means of witchcraft of a young educated woman, Mary Dunbar, in Islandmagee, Co. Antrim in 1711. The accusation itself was rooted in gender and social tensions and played out against a backdrop of religious and political crisis and a rise in possession cases in central Scotland and New England. It is also argued that the accused were selected by Dunbar, and her accusation taken particularly seriously by male authorities, because they did not meet contemporary standards of beauty, behaviour or language. This book also challenges the idea that Ireland remained largely untouched by belief in malefic, demonic witchcraft in the early modern period.

Rachel Wilson, ‘The Vicereines of Ireland and the Transformation of the Dublin Court, c.1703-1737’ in The Court Historian – The International Journal of Court Studies, xix, no. 1 (2014).


The Art/Archives and Gender in the West of Ireland research group held a second successful workshop on 31 January 2014, at NUI, Galway. Led by Mary Clancy and Caitríona Clear, WHAI members, the research group draws together academic and community researchers, including artists, archivists, historians, radio and film producers. Talks: Caitriona Clear, ‘Hardship and oral histories’, Síle de Cléir, ‘Threads of discovery: cloth, clothes and culture’, Kathleen Furey (artist) and Colette Nic Aodha (poet), ‘Hungarian boxes: a journey’, Mary Ruddy, ‘Sound archives from Connemara Community Radio’, Kathleen Loughnane (harpist), ‘Archives and the harp’, Eamonn Cannon, ‘Engineering in the archive’. The similarly diverse audience engaged in lively discussion and there was financial support from the university, NUI, Galway. Contact: Mary Clancy and Caitríona Clear

In March, Sonja Tiernan organised and chaired a public history event at the Bluecoat, Liverpool. The research seminar ‘Women as

outsiders’ crossed fields of history and literature and included speakers on topics such as women and pirates, and the rise of the Victorian actress.


WHAI member Mary Clancy(NUIG) isjoint editor of Saothar: Journal of the Irish Labour History Society. The journal includes articles on women in labour history, such as research on trade-union organising, social conditions, sweated labour and domestic service.

Finola Doyle-O’Neill, who is currently researching the recently archived Programme Policy Committee Meeting Notes pertaining to the pioneering Women Today Programme (broadcast on RTÉ Radio 1 from 1979-1984) was awarded funding from the newly created UCC College of Arts, Celtic studies and Social Sciences Cultural and Creative Development Support Fund, to research and script an up-dated interpretative history of radio in Munster as part of a guided tour of the facilities at the Irish Radio Museum in Cork. Part of this research involves a historiography of the contribution and impact of Máire Ní Mhurchú, the first female controller of RTÉ Radio Cork.


June Cooper, The Protestant Orphan Society and its social significance in Ireland, 1828- 1940 is due for publication with Manchester University Press in December 2014. Focusing primarily on the parent body in Dublin while also referring to the work of a number of local Protestant Orphan Societies throughout Ireland, the study uncovers the fascinating history of the charity, analyses its approach to child and family welfare (themes include widows’ and children’s health and medical care), examines women’s contributions in their roles as fundraisers and nurses (foster mothers), and, using case histories, delves into the often tragic lives of widows in reduced circumstances as well as the lives of boarded- out children and apprentices. gi-bin/indexer?product=9780719088841

Sonja Tiernan, The Political Writings of Eva Gore-Booth is currently in press with Manchester University Press and will be released for publication early in 2015. The following chapter will be published, Sonja Tiernan, ‘Challenging the headship of man’: Militant suffragism and the Irish Citizen magazine,’ in eds., Mark O’Brien and Felix Larkin, Periodicals Journalism & in Twentieth- Century Ireland. Dublin: Four Courts Press, November 2014. Sonja also delivered a number of papers recently, including ‘“Agents of the White Slave Trade”: English women and the 1913 Dublin Lockout’, Irish Studies Research Group, Liverpool Hope University (January 2014) and ‘Eva Gore-Booth: Political Pioneer’, Warrington Literary & Philosophical Society (April 2014).

Knowing their Place? The intellectual life of women in the 19th century edited by Brendan Walsh is a comprehensive account of the public and private life of Irish women in the Victorian age: their progress within the education system, involvement in intellectual life and emergence as independent, scholarly and philanthropic individuals who were both successful and influential. Contributors include Clara Cullen, Jennifer FitzGerald, Kathryn Laing, Margaret Ó hÓgartaigh, Susan M. Parkes, Diane Urquhart, Margaret Ward and Brendan Walsh. Margaret Ó hÓgartaigh will speak about the book on Newstalk’s ‘Talking History’ on 5 October at 8 pm.

Jennifer Redmond has been working on a number of publications in recent months, including a chapter forthcoming in Women in higher education, 1850-1970: international perspectives published by Routledge and edited by E. Lisa Panayotidis and Paul Stortz (Department of History, University of Calgary). She has also spoken at two conferences in June 2014, the ‘Twenty Years a Growing: An International Conference on the History of Irish Childhood from the Medieval to the Modern Age’ at St. Patrick’s College, Dublin, on her work on Irish children evacuated from Britain during the Second World War, and ‘The Emergency: Ireland in wartime’ conference at NUI Galway on the diplomatic relations between Ireland and Britain and the experiences of Irish people in Britain during

the conflict. Dr Redmond will give a keynote address at the ‘Outsiders in Independent Ireland’ conference to be held at NUI Maynooth on 5 September 2014.

Compiled by



Many books dealing with the history of women and gender in Israel were published in recent years. I present here two books containing many interesting and stimulating articles that demonstrate extensive research on the subject

Private and Public: Women in the Kibbutz and the Moshav, edited by: Sylvie Fogiel- Bijaoui and Rachel Sharaby, Yad Tabenkin and the Hebrew University Magnes press, Jerusalem 2013.

This book presents the historical development of gender boundaries in two forms of settlement in Israel: the Kibbutz and the Moshav – two collective forms of settlement inspired by the spirit of socialism, which grew out of the Zionist movement in Palestine. It brings many issues related to gender boundaries and to the private and public spheres that they have demarcated within these settlements. The book rests on the multi- faceted voice of the women.

Gender in Israel: New Studies on Gender in the Yishuv and State (Iyunim Bitkumat Israel: Thematic Series), edited by: Margalit Shilo and Gideon Katz, 2 Volumes, The Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 2011

The aim of these two books is to examine the theoretical issue of ‘society as gender designer and gender as social designer’, through various articles which explore new chapters in the history of women and gender in the Jewish

Dr Elaine Farrell

Lecturer in Modern Irish History

School of History and Anthropology

Queen’s University Belfast

15 University Square, BT7 1PA Northern Ireland

society in Palestine during the British Mandate period and the state of Israel. The articles deal with various issues, such as: women workers; motherhood and medicalization; professionalism, law and gender; communications, instruction and the female identity; and the transformational process in gender awareness.

Compiled by Lilach Rosenberg-Friedman, Ph.D
The Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology Bar-Ilan University

Ramat-Gan, 52900



I am happy to report that two additional associations have joined the Japan committee for IFRWH, the Association for Comprehensive Research in Women’s History (女性史総合研究会) and the Society of Historical Studies on Chinese Women (中国女性史研究会). We now in total have four organizations affiliated with the Japan Committee of IFRWH .

The Society of Research on Women’s History(総合女性史学会)held its annual meeting on 22nd of March, 2014 and dealt with the theme of “Historical Image of East Asia Viewed from the Perspective of Women’s/Gender History”, the topic discussed in the International Symposium on Women’s Histories in Japan, Korea and China held November in 2013. For this time, we have found out 1) that the common social structure existed throughout 5th to 9th centuries when looking at women in power in three countries, 2) that the differences among the three countries became apparent gradually through 10th to 18th centuries when looking at the changes in household structures, and 3) that women began to move vertically across classes in three countries in 19th and 20th centuries.

The Gender History Association held its spring symposium at Oomi Hachiman, Shiga Prefecture, Japan on May 17, 2014 under the title, “Women’s History as Local History: Learn, Narrate and Connect”. Representatives from local groups for the study of women’s history talked about their own histories and activities, and the participants learned a lot about grass-root origins of women’s history in Japan.

Coincidentally, the nation-wide association of local groups for the study of women’s history was organized on March 9, 2014. Nation-wide conferences of local study groups have been sporadically held twelve times between 1978 and 2010, but the new association is the first of its kind that has a permanent basis. We hope for more enthusiasm and interest in local women’s histories in the future.

News from the new participants in the IFRWH Japan Committee will be reported in the next newsletter.

Compiled by Rui Kohiyama


We congratulate Angela Wanhalla in having her latest book, Matters of the Heart (Auckland University Press, 2013), shortlisted for the Ernest Scott Prize.

Complied by Charlotte Macdonald Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa

Wars: Constructing National Myths. War, Gender, and National Mourning.

– Feminism, Women’s Organizations and Women’s Movements – Commemorative Practices and Public Response to the Effects of Wars. Patriarchal Backlash and State Gender Policy after World Wars.

– Gender Aspects of Cultural Demobilization and their impact on Gender Order/Relations in European Countries: Comparative Analysis. Cultural Representations of Commemoration and Mourning.

The school instructors will include members of the international research network “Aftermaths of War”, leading experts in the field of gender history of the First World War. Contact persons: Teresa Toldy (Fernando Pessoa University) and Olga Shnyrova (Ivanovo State University,


The Ethno-Gender Studies Sector, a subdivision of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has launched and run a series of

RUSSIA projects with findings appeared in Russian academic periodicals and conference papers.


Ivanovo Center for Gender Studies

(Ivanovo, Russia) in cooperation with Fernando Pessoa University (Porto, Portugal) will hold an international summer school “The Heritage of the Great War and Historical Memory: Gender Aspects” on July 7-20, 2014 in Porto. It is to unite teachers, students and researches and is aimed at inclusion of gender history of the First World War into academic discourse of the former Soviet Union regions as well as at development of comparative studies of the War aftermaths in different European countries. The school’s program is designed around three core courses:

– Historical Memory and Commemorative Practice of Great

The projects have been developed by:

Natalia Pushkareva, ‘Women of North Caucasus: the Past defines the Present’;

Natalia Pushkareva, ‘Everyday Life of Women in Academy in the XXIst century’,

Olga Kurto, ‘Studies of traditional Chinese costume in Russia: gender aspects’,

Nadejda Radina, ‘Modern Transformation of the Socio-Cultural Space: the Dominant Discourses of Masculine Culture’,

Natalia Shalygina, ‘Gender Stereotypes as a Challenge to Multicultural Society’,

Maria Kotovskaya, ‘Gender Problems of Labor Migration in Modern Russia‘.CONFERENCES

The Russian Association for Research in Women’s History, the Russian Branch of the International Federation for Research in Women’s History, has closed the call for papers for its VII Conference which is scheduled for October 9-12, 2014. This conference titled “Gender. Politics. Polyculturalisme” is organized in cooperation with Ryazan State University and will take place in Ryazan. The conference program includes a variety of themes to discuss with particular focus on gender relations in multicultural contexts. 340 researchers have applied for the conference; they represent different regions of the Russian Federation as well as Ukraine, Belorussia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Poland, France, Germany and USA.

Contact person: Olga Popova,

Svetlana Slapšak, Zelje in spolnost, iz zgodovinske antropologije hrane. Ljubljana, Študentska založba, 2013 (Cabbage and sexuality, from the historical anthropology of food).

By analyzing historical narratives, memories, rituals, symbols, and cults, the author deals with a cultural role of cabbage in Europe. A history of cabbage narratives reveal ideological scenarios inscribed in rituals, cults, phantasms connecting food and sexuality, and/or ethnic identity. By analyzing the cabbage-sexuality connection, the author, reveals various levels of European identity politics from the ancient times up to now.

Verginella, Marta (Ed.), Dolga pot pravic žensk : pravna in politična zgodovina žensk na Slovenskem. Ljubljana, Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: Studia humanitatis, 2013.(Long Way of the Rights of Women: Legal and Political History of Women in the Slovene Lands).

Focusing on the Slovene Lands, the volume presents legal and political aspects of women and gender history through various thematic chapters embedded in diverse historical periods: testimonial normative and practices concerning women in the Middle Ages, the role of women in civil law through the early modern period, development of women’s political rights till 1941, women legal status in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, women refugees in the interwar period, paid domestic work in the last decades of the Habsburg Monarchy, infanticide and murder cases in the light of women criminal dossiers (1899-1910), and women’s reproductive rights between the two World Wars. The volume reveals subtle mechanisms and dynamics of gender hegemony, pointing to,

Compiled by (





Jernej Mlekuž, Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik (eds.), Going places, Slovenian Women stories on migration. University of Akron Press, 2014.

The book traces the migration of Central European women to several destinations including Argentina, Egypt, Italy, and the United States. Authors’ (anthropologists, historians, ethnologists) contributions are based on personal letters, personal diaries, and oral interviews. An introduction is written by one of the editors Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik.

Ana Frank, Feminizem in islam: turške ženske med Orientom in Zahodom. Ljubljana, Mirovni inštitut, 2014//

and islam: turkish women between Orient


and the West (in Slovenian and English).

The book is based on critical analysis of many

scientific studies, and author’s own views of


gaps between the norms and practices. It enables understanding of the changing nature of the legal criteria regarding legal and political rights of women, which often weren’t to their benefit.

Compiled by Dr Nina Vodopivec



After our last International Seminar on theoretical and methodological issues, which focused on biography (Madrid, October 2013), the Spanish Association for the Research on Women’s History is pleased to announce the 17th International Conference entitled “Teaching (Women’s) History.” It will be held on October 23-25th, 2014, at the University of Alicante, and it aims at bringing together researchers and teachers of all levels, from primary school to higher education, to discuss and share initiatives, educational approaches and didactic experiences. Another goal of this conference is to get an accurate picture of the Spanish situation in a broader international context.

Antonia Fernández Valencia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) will give the inaugural lecture on women’s memory in the teaching of history. During three sessions we will be dealing with the following topics: 1. Teaching women’s history in higher education -both in undergraduate and graduate programs-; 2. Teaching women’s history in primary and secondary schools; and 3. Beyond the classroom: the construction of historical imaginaries in the digital age. Guest speakers at a roundtable on international experiences will include Giulia Calvi (Università di Siena), Karine Bergès (Université Cergy-Pontoise), and Marta del Moral (University of Bath). Another roundtable will be devoted to the political dimension of the subject. And a group of young researchers on gender history will present a new project to create a digital space for discussion, coordination and information sharing. Further details of this conference may be found on


Last year, 2013, AEIHM offered the V Biennial Prize for essays up to one hundred pages that make a significant contribution to women’s and gender history. This prize is sponsored in cooperation with the Spanish Social History Association (AHS). The winner of this edition was Victoria López Barahona, for her contribution titled “Las escuelas-taller: aprendizas, oficialas y maestras de niñas en la industria textil madrileña del Setecientos.”

This year 2014, AEIHM will offer its VII Dissertation Prize for the best thesis on women’s and gender history defended during 2012 or 2013 by a member of the association. The winning dissertation will be announced at the 17th International Conference, Alicante, October 23-25th, 2014.


Ma Isabel del Val Valdivieso and Henar Gallego Franco (eds.), Las huellas de Foucault en la Historiografía. Poderes, cuerpos y deseos, Barcelona, Icaria, 2013 (Vol. 8 of “History and Feminism” collection).

Ma Isabel del Val Valdivieso and Esther Martínez Quintero (eds.), Comiendo del fruto prohibido. Mujeres, ciencia y creación a través de la historia, Barcelona, Icaria (Vol. 9 of “History and Feminism” collection), forthcoming 2014.

Compiled by Nerea Aresti


SKOGH website:

SKOGH held its annual meeting 11th june 2013.

President: Helena Bergman Department of History University of Stockholm

Skogh board in Stockholm:
Klara Arnberg, ekonomisk historia, SU

Annika Berg, (idéhistoriker) historia, SU Christina Douglas, historia, SH
Marie Eyice historia, SU
Ioulia Gradskova, historia, SU

Helena Hill (idéhistoriker) genusvetenskap, SH Jens Ljunggren, historia, SU

Ulla Manns, (idéhistoriker) genusvetenskap, SH

Ann Nehlin, historia, SU Kirsti Niskanen, historia SU Helena Tolvhed, historia, SU Ale Pålsson, historia SU

The new book series by SKOGH consists of reports from conferences and other publication reports. The primary focus is Swedish and Nordic women and gender history.

Manns, Ulla & Sundevall, Fia (red.): Methods, interventions, and reflections: report from the 10th Nordic Women’s and Gender History Conference, Bergen, Norway, 9–12 August 2012. Stockholm & Göteborg: Makadam

SKOGH:s skriftserie ges ut av Makadam förlag och består av konferensrapporter och andra publikationsrapporter, med fokus på svensk och nordisk kvinno- och genushistoria.


Skogh held seminares in Svenska historikermötet 2014 (Swedish meeting for historians):

Genus och temporalitet (Gender and temporality)

Från 1970- och 80-talens kvinnohistoria och kvinnovetenskap har fältet för genusstudier under de senaste decennierna vidgats betydligt. Men vad har vi som genus-historiker för särskilda kompetenser och perspektiv att erbjuda detta forskningsfält? Att vi explicit arbetar med tidens gång och dess olika lager är det som mest uppenbart skiljer oss från andra genusforskare. Är denna temporala dimension något vi skulle kunna arbeta mer explicit med, och hur kan vi använda den för att utveckla våra teorier och analysverktyg? I denna session, organiserad av föreningen Sveriges Kvinno- och Genushistoriker (SKOGH) diskuterade ett antal genushistoriker, och andra genusforskare som sysslat med temporalitet från olika perspektiv, tiden som kulturellt fenomen och analytisk kategori. Historiker har ofta analyserat den genuskodade rumsligheten och då kunnat visa att rummet är en väsentlig del av maktutövningen. Med tiden är det annorlunda. Trots att tiden är historikerns främsta analysredskap har denna mänskliga grundkategori ofta inte problematiserats, utan har tenderat att bli tagen för given. Vad händer om vi problematiserar tiden ur ett genusperspektiv? Är tiden lika genuskodad som rummet? Hur gör tiden genus? Hur gör genus tid?

Deltagare: Claudia Lindén, Södertörns högskola, Sara Edenheim, Umeå universitet,

Cordelia Hess, Ansvarig: Jens universitet.

Stockholms Ljunggren,

universitet. Stockholms

“Massa, massa män”: panelsamtal om historikerkårens och historievetenskapens kön (lots and lots of men)

Bakgrunden till panelsamtalet är den skeva könsbalansen bland svenska historiker – en problematik som samtidigt speglar ämnets könskodning. Historieämnet är påfallande manligt präglat både vad gäller innehåll och utövare – trots den köns- och maktkritiska historieforsknings framgångaroch trots decennier av jämställdhetssatsningar inom högskolesektorn. Hur ska vi förstå och förhålla oss till att kvinnor marginaliseras inom det historiska fältet? Panelsamtalet arrangeras av föreningen Skogh, Sveriges kvinno- och genushistoriker. Deltagare: Kirsti Niskanen, Stockholms universitet, Hanna Enefalk, Uppsala universitet, Ulrika Holgersson, Lunds universitet. Ansvarig: Helena Bergman, Stockholms universitet


Som avslutning på hela mötet anordnade Skogh tillsammans med Svenska historiska föreningen och Lärdomshistoriska samfundet ett mingel.


Usually written in Swedish with a summary in English. Compiled by information collected from GENA (

Emma Hilborn, Världar i Brand. Fiktion, politik och romantik i det tidiga 1900-talets ungsocialistiska press, Lunds universitet

Hallgren Sjöberg Elisabeth, Så som en slöja: den kristna slöjan i en svensk kontext, Umeå universitet, 2014.

Carlsson Karin, Den tillfälliga husmodern. Hemvårdarinnekåren i Sverige 1940-1960, Stockholms universitet, 2013.

Berglund Maria M, Värv och verk: förnyelse och tradition i Nordisk kvinnolitteraturhistoria från tillkomst till tryckt bok, Karlstad universitet, 2013.

Holmberg Kajsa, Behind the counter: female inroads, obstacles and careers in the swedish commercial bank sector, 1885-1937, Lunds universitet, 2013.

Malmer Elin, Hemmet vid nationens skola: väckelsekristendom, värnplikt och soldatmission, ca 1900-1920, Stockholms universitet, 2013.

Nyman Maria, Resandets gränser: svenska resenärers skildringar av Ryssland under 1700-talet, Södertörns högskola, 2013.

Prytz Cristina, Familjen i kronans tjänst: donationspraxis, förhandling och statsformering under svenskt 1600-tal, Uppsala universitet, 2013.

Radmann Aage, Huliganlandskapet: medier, våld och maskuliniteter, Malmö högskola, 2013.

Compiled by Emma Severinsson, Lunds universitet, Sweden (




The Women’s Library now in its new home at the London School of Economics and Political Science was officially opened on 12 March 2014. The reading room is a 40 seat research facility located on the fourth floor of the Lionel Robbins Building, open to all Library visitors to enable access to both The Women’s Library@LSE collection and the Library’s Archives and Special Services. Details of the service are available on the following website cessingMaterials/readingRoomAccess/home.a spx

Enquiries can be addressed to library-


The Women’s History Seminar, Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7BS, is held on Fridays, 5.15, Senate House G21A.

Ivener Ramona,
förändring i Lesjöfors 1940-2010, Karlstad universitet, 2014.

Kunskapens händer maskulinitet och


Conveners: Dr Kelly Boyd (IHR), Dr Anna Davin, Dr Lucy Delap (KCL/ICBH), Dr Amy Erickson (Cambridge), Professor Laura Gowing (KCL), Professor Clare Midgley (Sheffield Hallam), Professor Jinty Nelson (KCL), Dr Krisztina Robert (Roehampton), Professor Pat Thane (KCL/ICBH), Professor Cornelie Usborne (IHR/Roehampton)

The Winter programme included:

Francoise Connelly (Queen Mary University of London)

Constructing model families in Nation of Islam Magazines, by Dawn-Marie Gibson, Royal Holloway University of London

CONVERSATIONS AND DISPUTATIONS SEMINAR, Seminar, IHR, 10 February 2013, was on the topic “Fertility and Maternity, Then and Now”. In 1915, Margaret Llewelyn Davies published Maternity: Letters from Working Women, a compilation of letters by members of the Women’s Co-operative Guild. They made for a vivid and poignant portrait of pregnancy and pre-natal care, abortion and death, exhaustion and self-sacrifice in industrial Britain. Davies was encouraged by Virginia Woolf: “Do publish these letters…. they are so amazing.” In the near hundred years since, scholars of various stripes have explored women’s experiences of fertility and maternity. They have focused especially on the event of birth and on the ideology of motherhood. This roundtable brings together analysts of past and present to discuss research on fertility and maternity in the expansive sense identified by Davies and her compatriots. The speakers were Angela Davis (Warwick), Sarah Franklin (Cambridge), Sarah Knott (Indiana).

On 3 March 2014 the British Library and the Raphael Samuel History Centre jointly hosted a conference on War Brides: Reaching for New Lives.

17 January

31 January

14 February

28 February

14 March

Julie Hipperson (KCL) Still ‘the feminine field’? Vets and Pets in Britain, 1948-70

Melodee Beals (Sheffield Hallam), Virgin, Number, Whore: Satire and the Surplus Women Problem, 1790-1840

Ulinka Rublack (Cambridge) Dressing for Romance and Recognition in the Renaissance: The First Book of Fashion

Clare Midgley (Sheffield Hallam) Indian Feminist Pandita Ramabai and Transnational Liberal Religious Networks

Sarah Curtis (San Francisco State) Returning Religious Women to Women’s History:


Nuns in France



The changing nineteenth-century: feminism and medical historiography, 1968-1980, by Agnes Arnold-Forster (King’s College London)

A ‘United Kingdom’? Dispartiy in abortion legisaltion between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, by Jennifer Thomson (Queen Mary University of London)

Sylvia Pankhurst and the East London Federation of the Suffragettes: the working women’s struggle for the vote, by Katherine

RMS MAURETANIA, arriving in Halifax, NS, 24 August 1946 with war brides, from the collection of The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Halifax, Nova Scotia

In the years following the Second World War, 70,000 British women crossed the Atlantic to


start a new life with the American GIs who had captured their hearts while they were stationed here. Their stories received widespread attention both in their home press and in America, as they struggled to adapt to relocation in fabled places that didn’t quite match up with what they’d seen at the movies.

But the GI Brides were only the tip of the iceberg. All over Europe, wartime marriages meant a post-war flux of women and their children moving from country to country. Inevitably, many marriages broke down, but others endured, as women were determined to prove to family and friends back home that the huge gamble they had taken for one man – and a ‘foreigner’ at that – was really worth it.

For this event Duncan Barrett and Nuala Calvi, authors of the Sunday Times bestseller GI Brides, are joined by Professor Norma Clarke, Kingston University, daughter of a Greek war bride, Rob Stephenson, whose father was an American GI, and Dr Jo Stanley, who writes about war brides’ journeys.

30 April 2014, Subjugated and Silent? Voices of Lower Class Early Modern Women, a seminar held at University Square Stratford, E 15. Hosted by the Raphael Samuel History Centre and the University of East London, the seminar brought together three leading historians of gender in early modern Britain, Alex Shepard, Laura Gowing and Katie Barclay. Further details from Katie Barclay at

6 May 2014, Beyond tradition? None- traditional marriage, partnerships and the family in Scotland, past and present, one day workshop held at University of Glasgow. Further details contact Meagan Butler at

15 May 2014, Gender, Religion and the Atlantic World, a symposium held at Newcastle University. Further details

31 May 2014, Hrotsvit 2014: Pageants and Pioneers, held at University of Hull and organised by Katharine Cockin. In January 1914 in London, the Pioneer Players theatre society produced a remarkable and disturbing

play about prostitution. This play was written by Hrotsvit, the tenth-century nun from Gandersheim. Known also as ‘strong voice’, Hrotsvit has been claimed as the first female dramatist. Edith Craig’s production of the play for the Pioneer Players theatre society and Christopher St John’s translation was part of a programme of encouraging women’s writing for the stage in the period of the campaign for women’s suffrage. The play featured the punishment of the prostitute Thais by imprisonment, providing a topical allusion in 1914 to the brutal treatment of suffragettes in London. This interdisciplinary international symposium marked the centenary of this remarkable 1914 production and provided an opportunity for reassessment of Hrotsvit’s drama.

21 June 2014, Gender, Generation and the Body, one day conference hosted by the West of England and South Wales Women’s History Network, University of Cardiff. Further details Tracey Loughran at

4 July 2014, a symposium on Situating Women’s Liberation: Historicizing a Movement, organized by Sue Bruley, University of Portsmouth

5-7 September 2014, Home Fronts: Gender War and Conflict 23rd Women’s History Network UK Annual Conference, University of Worcester, organised by Professor Maggie Andrews. For further details, contact the Network’s website.

7-9 September 2014, the British Assocation for Victorian Studies will hold a conference on Objections to War: pacifism, anti- interventionism and conscientious objection in literature, theatre and art 1830- 1918. Keynote speakers include: Professor Martin Ceadel, University of Oxford, Professor Sandi Cooper, City University of New York and Dr Grace Brockington, University of Bristol.

Marking the centenary of the start of World War I (or the ‘Great War’ as it came to be known), this conference will consider the content, form and cultural significance of protest against war and military intervention in the years leading up to 1918. Jacques


Rancière argues in The Politics of Aesthetics that ‘the arts only ever lend to projects of domination or emancipation what they are able to lend to them, that is to say, quite simply, what they have in common with them: bodily positions and movements, functions of speech, the parcelling out of the visible and the invisible’. This conference will explore the relationship between the arts and social protest movements, asking how literature, song, theatre and the visual arts have been put to use to shape a politics and poetics of dissent against war and domination, as well as how far political and communal cultures have shaped the forms of conscientious objection, anti-war, anti-intervention and peace protest.

Papers are welcome from across the Humanities, considering anti-war or pro-peace protest in Britain, Europe and beyond. We also welcome considerations of the ways in which the protests of the past, and their effects, have shaped contemporary representations of war and peace. Topics might include:

  •   The language of peace protest
  •   The aesthetics of anti-war poetry andsong
  •   Metaphors of war in anti-war literature,song and drama
  •   Images and metaphors of peace andwar in social protest literature
  •   Feminist and socialist anti-war protest
  •   The visual arts and peace
  •   Conscientious objection and anti-conscription movements
  •   Anti-war journalism
  •   Imperialism, military intervention andantiwar protest
  •   Quaker testimony and peace protest
  •   The representation of animals in anti-war literature
  •   Contemporary legacies of peace andanti-war protest
  •   Individual anti-war writers or poetssuch as G. B. Shaw, Vernon Lee, Romain Rolland, Bertha von Suttner, Emily Hobhouse, W. T. Stead, Olive Schreiner, Siegfried Sassoon, Thomas Hardy, H.G. Wells

Please send abstracts of 200-250 words to Ingrid Hanson and Jane Thomas at

12-13 September 2014, Premodern Queenship and Diplomacy in Europe, conference organised by Canterbury Christ Church University and Lancaster University, seeks to raise important questions about the role that premodern queens played in diplomatic relation throughout Europe. Further details from

Paul J. Bailey, Women and Gender in

Twentieth-Century China (2013, Palgrave) Helen Boak, Women in the Weimar Republic

(2013, Manchester University Press)
Ana Carden-Coyne (ed), Gender and Conflict

Since 1914 (2012, Palgrave)

Clare Debenham, Birth Control and the Rights of Women: post-suffrage feminism in the early twentieth century (2013, Tauris)

Bejtullah Destani (ed) The Unpublished Correspondence of Edith Durham 1908-1944 (2013, Tauris)

Julie Gottlieb and Richard Toye (eds) The Aftermath of Suffrage: women, gender, and politics in Britain, 1918-1945 (2013, Palgrave)

Lesley Hall, Sex, Gender and Social Change Since 1880 2nd edition (2012, Palgrave)

Georgina Holmes, Women and War in Rwanda: gender, media and the representation of genocide (2013, Tauris)

Rachel Holmes, Eleanor Marx: a life (2014, Bloomsbury)

Janet Howarth, British Women’s History Since 1914: sources and readings (2014, Tauris)

Remke Kruk, The Warrior Women of Islam: female empowerment in Arabic popular literature (2013, Tauris)


Liora Lukitz, A Quest in the Middle East: Gertrude Bell and the making of modern Iraq (2013, Tauris)

Helen McCarthy, Women of the World: the rise of the female diplomat (2014, Bloomsbury)

Charles Moore, Margaret Thatcher The Authorised Biography Volume One (2014, Penguin)

Rozsika Parker and Griselda Pollock, Old Mistresses: women, art and ideology (2013, Tauris)

Marie Sandell, The Rise of Women’s International Activism: identity and sisterhood between the world wars (2013, Tauris)

Rosemary Seton, Western Daughters in Eastern Lands (2013, Praeger)

Marcus Tanner, Albania’s Mountain Queen: Edith Durham and the Balkans (2014, Tauris)

Women’s History Review Special Issue on Feminism and Feminists after Suffrage, Guest Editor Julie V. Gottlieb.

Compiled by June Purvis


Karen Offen advises that Francoise Thebaud’s highly regarded book on historiography of women and

gender has just come out in Spanish translation.


A study was written about Dr. Zsófia Torma (1831-1899, Transylvania (Erdély)). We have no knowledge at this time about any lady-archeologist, who worked earlier than Zsófia Torma in archeology using scientific methods. At Zsófia’s time, Transylvania was a part of Hungary. Thus, her research was connected to the Hungarian academic world, culture, history and tradition.

So, we can state with confidence, that Zsófia was the first female archeologist in the world, who actively participated in various international conferences as well as in different excavations and who published diverse scientific works in Hungarian and German.

One can already form an opinion of her thoroughness in research by reading her list of sources from professional literature. She sent her finds to scientists in this field to study them, for example the metal objects to Otto Helmnek in Danzig or the petrified leaf-imprints to Dr. Kurtz in Berlin.

Her thoroughness led her to use for the first time in the world the inclusion of related sciences in her

Dr. Zsófia Torma – the first female Magyar (Hungarian) archaeologist

archeological work: she consulted anthropologists, zoologists, chemists, linguists, botanists, historians, ethnographers, geologists, mineralogists, orientalists, historical sciences, numismatists. It is their work she used, or sent them finds to study.

With these, she established connections between different fields, and a greater opportunity arose to study the origins of different cultures. This method led to her conclusion that the Tordos, Trojan and the earliest Sumerian cultures originated from a common source. In her “Ethnographische Analogien” we find comparisons in religious, astronomical and anthropological writing, linguistics, decorative arts and even dance culture.

She collected ancient archeological remains, studied them and completed the work of research connected with them. She proved the Sumerian presence in Erdély (Transylvania), and she was the first to uncover the Neolithic culture of Tordos. Her determination and unceasing work did finally bring a delayed acknowledgment: with royal consent, the University of Kolozsvár (today Rumania, Cluj- Napoca) elected her as honorary doctor on May 25, 1899.

Her greatness is also reflected in the fact that, she was brave enough to stand by her daring statement, according to which the unknown signs in the pictographs preserve for us Europe’s oldest written memories. Zsófia already showed in 1879 that there is a connection between the Tordos signs and the Assyrian-Babylonian writings, an opinion that was honored by A. H. Sayce.

Her attempts to show the European literacy elevate Zsófia into the realm of the truly great

researchers. She already spoke of her very daring opinions during the 1880 Archeological Congress in Berlin, when she brought up the connection between Transylvania and the possibility of the spread of Sumerian literacy, and its transmission in South Eastern Europe.

Runic (Rovás) signs can be found in great numbers in her collection. In her letter to A. H. Sayce, she brought to his attention four ancient Székely-Magyar rovásírás (runic) signs (which are the ny, zs, t and c characters).

György Mandics, mathematician, wrote the following in 1987: “The discovery of the European Neolithic age began in April of 1875, when András Vén, teacher in Tordos knocked on the door of Zsófia Torma with a knapsack full of broken pottery…”.

In Jena, her “Ethnographische Analogien (Ethnographic Analogies)” was published in German in 1894, which brought great success for her. Following this, several of Europe’s universities asked her


to hold lectures. It was at this time that the European Sumerologists, historians, ethnographers and even archaeologists began to pay attention to the talented lady-archeologist.

Why is Dr. Zsófia Torma’s work important?

1) She was the first to uncover the Neolithic TORDOS culture, which she unceasingly examined for twenty years.

2) We can ascribe to her the discovery of the first European writing, through the examination of 6- 7,000 year old potteries.

3) Zsófia already demonstrated in 1879, that there was a connection between the Tordos signs and the Assyrian – Babylonian signs

At that time, she brought attention to the runic (rovás) signs found in her collection, showing a comparison between these signs and the ancient Székely-Magyar runic (rovás) signs (for example the letters “ny, zs, t and c”).

4) The runic signs she studied, which today we call the Székely-Magyar runic (rovás) writing, attest to the fact that the Magyar presence in the Carpathian Basin goes back to ancient times.

5) Based on her archeological finds, she discovered similarities between the cultures of the

Carpathian Basin and Mesopotamia.

6) It is our moral duty to preserve for posterity the results of Zsófia Torma’s scientific achievement, her spiritual legacy, her works, letters, publications and notes and, last but not least, her once existing, rich collections.

Zsófia’s Tordos archeological collection was acknowledged and valued Europe-wide. The Tordos finds increased to several thousand pieces (10,387).

With best wishes, /Enikõ Madarassy

===================================== Dr. Enikő Madarassy

Kungsgatan 71, 6tr
112 27 Stockholm
E-mail: Enikő Madarassy < >

Telephone: +46 (0) 702 995 973 (mobile)

Supplement no. 29: Bibliography of Edited Collections of Scholarly Articles in Women’s History and Theme Issues on Women’s History in Scholarly Journals since 1970.

January-June 2014 (2014-A). Compiled by Karen Offen

[For the cumulative list of works from 1970 to January 1994,
see the Journal of Women’s History, vol. 6, no. 1(Spring 1994), 135-160. Other lists are published in supplement to previous IFRWH Newsletters, available on the website]

Please send information on new edited collections and special issues to Barclay, Katie, & Deborah Simonton, eds. 2013. Women in Eighteenth-Century Scotland. Farnham,

Surrey, UK & Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
Braunschweig, Sabine, ed. “Als habe es die Frauen nicht gegeben:” Beiträge zur Frauen- und

Geschlechtergeschichte. Zurich: Chronos.
Carstairs, Catherine, & Nancy Janovicek, eds. 2013. Feminist History in Canada: New Essays on

Women, Gender, Work, and Nation. Vancourver: UBC Press.
Chance, Jane, ed. 2005. Women Medievalists and the Academy. Madison: University of Winsconsin

Charlot, Patrick, & Eric Gasparini, eds. 2008. La Femme dans l’histoire du droit et des idées

politiques. Dijon: Editions Universitaires de Dijon.
Charnley, Joy, Malcolm Pender, & Andrew Wilkin, ed. 1997. 25 Years of Emancipation? Women in

Switzerland 1971-1996. Bern: Peter Lang. Clio: Femmes, genre, histoire

no. 39 (2014): Theme issue “Les lois genrées de la guerre,” ed. Fabrice Virgili
Cova, Anne, & Bruno Dumons, eds. 2012. Femmes, Genre, et Catholicisme: Nouvelles recherches,

nouveaux objets (France, XIXe-XXe siècles). Lyon: RESEA/LARHRA, 2012.

Cruz, Anne J., & Maria Galli Stampino, eds. 2013. Early Modern Habsburg Women:Transnational Contexts, Cultural Conflicts, Dynastic Continuities. Farnham, Surrey, UK & Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Cryle, Peter, & Lisa Downing, eds. 2009. Special issue: “Feminine Sexual Pathologies in Nineteenth- and Early-Twentieth-Century Europe.” Journal of the History of Sexuality, 18:1 (January 2009).

Curtis-Wendtland, Lisa, Paul Gibbard, & Karen Green, eds. 2013. Political Ideas of Enlightenment Women: Virtue and Citizenship. Farnham, Surrey, UK & Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Dauphin, Cécile, & Arlette Farge, eds. 2001. Séduction et sociétés: Approches historiques. Paris: Seuil.

Gender & History. 2014. 26:1 (April). Special section: “Forum: Women and Learned Culture,” ed. Judith Zinsser.

Haude, Sigrun, & Melinda S. Zook, eds. 2014. Challenging Orthodoxies: The Social and Cultural Worlds of Early Modern Women. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Ashgate.

Janz, Oliver, & Daniel Schonpflug, eds. 2014. Gender History in a Transnational Perspective: Networks, Biographies, Gender Orders. New York & Oxford: Berghahn. [Honoring the scholarship of Gisela Bock]

Journal of Women’s History. 2014. 26:1 (Spring). Special section: “Remembering Gerda Lerner.”

Journal of Women’s History. 2014. 26:1 (Spring). Special section: “Historical Analogy, Comparisons, and Evidence: Feminist Reflections.”

Journal of Women’s History. 2014. 26:2 (Summer). Theme: “Feminists in the Global West: Advances, Reversals, and Persistence,” ed. Jean H. Quataert & Leigh Ann Wheeler.

Laven, Mary, & Emily Clark, eds. 2013. Women and Religion in the Atlantic Age, 1550-1900. Farnham, Surrey, UK & Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Marques-Pereire, Bérengère, Petra Maier, & David Paternotte, eds. 2010. Au delà et en deçà de l’État: Le genre entre dymaniques transnationales et multi-niveaux. Louvain-la-Neuve: Bruyland-Academia.

McGowan, Margaret M. 2013. Dynastic Marriages 1612/1615: A Celebration of the Habsburg and Bourbon Unions. Farnham, Surrey, UK & Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Moore, Lisa L., Joanna Brooks, & Caroline Wigginton, eds. 2012. Transatlantic Feminisms in the Age of Revolutions. New York & London: Oxford University Press.

Morin-Rotureau, Evelyne, ed. 2003. 1789-1799: Combats de femmes. Les Révolutionnaires excluent les citoyennes. Paris: Editions Autrement.

Nadell, Pamela S., & Kate Haulman, eds. 2013. Making Women’s Histories: Beyond National Perspectives. New York: New York University Press.

Novakov, Anna, & Svetlana Tomic, eds. 2011. Special issue: “Serbian Women and the Public Sphere, 1850-1950,” Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for Serbian Studies, v. 25, nos 1-2.

Schandevyl, Eva, ed. 2014. Women in Law and Lawmaking in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Europe.

Sohn, Anne-Marie, ed. 2013. Une Histoire sans les hommes est-elle possible? Genre et masculinités. Lyon: ENS Éditions.

Sperling, Jutta Gisela, ed. 2013. Medieval and Renaissance Lactations: Images, Rhetorics, Practices. Farnham, Surrey, UK & Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Tobies, Renate, ed. 1997, 2008 (rev. ed.). “Aller Mannerkultur zum Trotz:” Frauen in Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften. Frankfurt & New York: Campus Verlag.

Waaldijk, Berteke, ed. 2006. Professions and Social Identity: New European Historical Research on Women, Gender, and Society. Pisa: Edizione Plus – Pisa University Press.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Delphine Diaz (5 août 2014). Newsletter de la Fédération Internationale pour la Recherche en Histoire des Femmes. Genre et Europe. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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