Appel à contributions – “Gendering Genocide”, European Journal of Women’s Studies
Nous transmettons l’appel à contributions lancé par la revue European Journal of Women’s Studies, qui prévoit l’édition d’un numéro spécial sur le genre du génocide :
European Journal of Women’s Studies – Call for papers
Special issue: Gendering Genocide
Editors: Ayşe Gül Altınay and Andrea Petö
Deadline: January 10, 2014
The 20th century has been a century of genocides. It has also been a century of feminist struggle and theorizing globally. This special issue seeks to bring together feminist and queer critiques of genocides and genocide studies. We welcome contributions from diverse regions both in and outside Europe, as well as diverse approaches and perspectives.
Central questions include (but are not limited to):
– Gender and Genocide: How are racist, ethnicist, supremacist genocidal discourses shaped by regimes of gender and sexuality? What do we learn about the gendering of violence and genocide when we move beyond the gendered dichotomy of “perpetrator vs. victim”?
– Sexual Violence: How do feminist scholars theorize the different uses of sexual violence in genocides? How about different (political, legal, literary, visual) responses to sexual violence? How can we analyze layers of gendered silencing around sexual violence?
– Sources and Silences: Where are women’s and LGBT experiences and perspectives in genocide sources, archives, narratives, histories and other representations? Where are absences and silences located? (cf. Michel-Rolph Trouillot) What are the consequences of the “digital turn” in the archivization of genocide memories?
– Testimony and (Post)Memory: How do feminist and queer theories complicate such key concepts as “archive” (or “counter-archive”), “witnessing” and “testimony”? How do (written, oral or visual) testimonies as well as other artistic, literary, and popular memory works contribute to making visible and unsettling the gendered and (hetero)sexualized depictions of genocide? Is “postmemory” (cf. Marianne Hirsch) a useful concept to understand how memory works across time and space? What kinds of challenges do feminist and queer (re)theorizing of memory and postmemory pose for genocide studies?
– Post-genocide? When is a genocide over? Who are the “survivors” of genocide? How are conceptions of “post-genocide” and “survival” gendered? How are “humanitarian interventions,” post-genocide processes, and transitional justice gendered, sexualized, racialized and ethnicized? How has “coming to terms” with past genocides been conceptualized by feminist and queer movements, theories, literary and artistic productions?
– Politics of Memory: How are genocides memorialized and gendered through monuments, museums, digital archives, and other memory sites? What current initiatives deal with or mobilize gendered memories of genocide, contributing to or challenging hegemonic frameworks of genocide recognition vs. genocide denial?
– Education/Pedagogy: What are the political possibilities and challenges posed by the institutionalization of “genocide education” in school curricula, museums, and other pedagogical sites? To what extent have feminist and queer interventions in genocide studies been incorporated into “genocide education”?
– Theoretical Challenges: What kind of impact have feminist and queer theories had on critical genocide studies?How do feminist scholars make the link between different genocides and genocidal processes? What new concepts or theoretical frameworks (queer? postcolonial? critical race studies? comparative genocide studies?) promise new openings in feminist analyses of genocides?
All articles will be subject to the usual review process.
Articles should be prepared according to the guidelines for submission on the inside back cover of the journal or at
Articles should be submitted online to by January 10, 2014.
Informal queries to Hazel Johnstone, managing editor of EJWS [Email:].
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Delphine Diaz (3 juillet 2013). Appel à contributions – “Gendering Genocide”, European Journal of Women’s Studies. Genre et Europe. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse