Call for articles: Anglo-Saxon Women – A Florilegium – Bonn 09/16
par Anne-Laure Briatte ·
Date: 21.08.2016
Subject: CfA: Anglo-Saxon Women – A Florilegium – Bonn 09/16
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Irina Dumitrescu, Rheinische
Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Institut für Anglistik,
Amerikanistik und Keltologie
30.09.2016, Bonn
Co-editors: Emily Butler (John Carroll University), Irina Dumitrescu
(Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn), Hilary E. Fox (Wayne
State University)
Project email:
Abbess Hild. Empress Helen. Mary of Egypt. Juliana. Bugga. King Alfred’s
mother. Grendel’s mother. The Welsh slave of Riddle 12. The nuns of
Barking. The lamenting wife. Prudentius’ virtues and vices. The African
woman picking up gold in Exodus. The Geatish woman with a dark vision of
the future in Beowulf. What might it mean to tell the stories of
Anglo-Saxon women — historical, fictional, allegorical — together?
This project confronts the frequent marginalization and erasure of women
by contemporary scholarship from the historical record, and shows, by
means of brief essays, what can be gained by focusing on female figures
in the past. For example, an examination of the roles and rights of
women in Anglo-Saxon England undermines narratives of societal progress.
This is especially true in areas such as education or property rights,
where women often had greater agency in the Anglo-Saxon period than in
later periods. The lives and careers of the women featured in this
collection also illustrate the complexity of Anglo-Saxon authorship and
the roles of female audiences in male authorship, sanctity, and heroism.
We seek contributors for a collection of short, interpretive pieces
(600-800 words) on a range of women in Anglo-Saxon England. These women
include not only those long-recognized and studied, but those who occupy
the background of texts–mothers, daughters, brothel-keepers–and who
may not even have a name. The goal is the compilation of a florilegium
of women from across the textual and material record that will reveal
the obvious and obscure roles women played in Anglo-Saxon culture and
their often over-looked, yet palpably felt, presence in their texts. We
hope that this florilegium will be a resource for teachers to use in the
classroom and for students to use while selecting research topics. We
also hope that it will be a pleasure to read, both for Anglo-Saxonists
and for those curious about the field.
By September 30, 2016, email the following to
– A list of 3-4 women on whom you would like to write, in order of
– A short academic biography or vita (no more than 1 page)
– Indication of willingness and ability to write more than one entry, if
Article assignments will be made on a first-come, first priority basis.
The list of potential entries can be found at
If any woman or female figure does not appear on this list, please feel
free to include them, along with the text in which they appear, in your
list of choices.
Guidelines for micro-essays are available at
Drafts will be due 31 January 2017.
Irina Dumitrescu
Regina-Pacis-Weg 5
53113 Bonn
URL zur Zitation dieses Beitrages
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Anne-Laure Briatte (25 août 2016). Call for articles: Anglo-Saxon Women – A Florilegium – Bonn 09/16. Genre et Europe. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse