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Workshop: Gender Inequality in Interdisciplinary Perspective

Gender Inequality in Interdisciplinary Perspective

LIEPP’s Discriminations and Social Inequalities Research Group 

is glad to invite you to attend the workshop held on:

Thursday, December 8th, 2016

09:15 am – 01:00 pm

LIEPP’s Seminar Room

LIEPP’s Office, 1st Floor, 254 bvd Saint-Germain

75007 Paris

Interested participants should register here

Workshop Programme


Presentations :

Aliya Saperstein (Stanford University)

Representing Gender Diversity in U.S. Survey Research

Aliya Saperstein is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Stanford University. Her research focuses on the social processes through which people come to perceive, name, and deploy seemingly immutable categorical differences – such as race and sex -and their consequences for explaining, and reinforcing, social inequality.


Ghazala Azmat (Sciences Po)

Measuring and Understanding Gender Gaps in Labor Market Outcomes

Ghazala Azmat is Professor at Department of Economics Sciences Po. Her research, among others, focuses on gender inequality and labor economics.



Dominique Meurs (University of Nanterre & INED)

The Gender Wage Gap: the Effects of Hiring, Acquisitions and Job Tenure

Dominique Meurs is Professor in Economics at the University of Nanterre & Associate Researcher at INED. Her research focuses on demographic economics, gender inequality and labor market.


Armelle Andro (University of Paris 1 & INED)

Gender in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research

Armelle Andro is Associate Professor (Maître de conférences) in Demography and Sociology at the University of Paris 1. Her research focuses on  demographic studies, gender inequality and public health.


Discussion by : 

Marta Dominguez Folgueras (OSC, Sciences Po)

Marta Dominguez Folgueras is Associate Professor in sociology at Sciences Po. Her research focuses on family sociology, gender sociology with interest on gender inequality.


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Julie Le Gac (9 novembre 2016). Workshop: Gender Inequality in Interdisciplinary Perspective. Genre et Europe. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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