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Communist Homosexuality (1945-1989)

Le projet Homosexualité communiste 1945-1989 vise à interroger et à écrire la riche et troublante histoire de l’homosexualité à l’époque socialiste à travers plusieurs contextes européens : l’U.R.S.S., les démocraties populaires et la Yougoslavie, depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale jusqu’à l’effondrement du bloc soviétique.
Les échanges autour de ces sujets seront l’occasion d’une réflexion générale sur les  modèles, les corporéités, les langages, et bien évidemment les structures sociales et politiques où les homosexualités ont trouvé une zone de répression et d’expression mêlées.
A l’heure actuelle, alors que les mouvements homosexuels ont durement acquis certains droits et alors que les formes de l’homophobie se renouvellent à l’Est comme à l’Ouest, interroger l’histoire de l’homosexualité contemporaine dans un autre contexte politique et social que celui dans lequel il est le plus souvent analysé (les régimes libéraux et occidentaux) peut permettre de remettre en question certaines évidences, de transformer une mémoire avouée en une histoire délibérément autre, et d’aller à la rencontre de l’histoire critique d’un désir différent.
Des projections et des débats, ouverts à tous les publics, seront l’occasion de donner aux enjeux scientifiques une perspective culturelle. Outre les débats entre les  chercheurs, le public pourra ainsi découvrir et rencontrer des artistes contemporains tels que Jaanus Samma (pavillon estonien à la 56e Biennale de Venise) et Karol Radziszewski (PERFORMA 13, New York).

The project « Communist Homosexuality 1945-1989 » aims to question and write the rich and disturging history of homosexualities during the Socialist era, by considering various contexts : U.S.S.R., “People’s democraties” (G.D.R., Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria) and Yugoslavia, from the end of the Second World War until the fall of Communism.
Debates will open a general reflection about models, corporeity, languages, and about the social and political structures where homosexuals found a zone of repression and expression at the same time.
In the present, when gay movements have obtained some rights and when new forms of homophobia appear in Eastern and Western Europe, viewing the history of contemporary homosexuality in another context than the one that is most often analysed (the liberal and bourgeois regimes) can be a way of challenging some certainties, of transforming a memory into a new history and to construct a critical history of differences at European scale.


NB : The conference will take place :
– on the 2nd of February at Université Paris-Est Créteil
– on the 3rd of February at Ecoles des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris).
See : practical informations here.

2-3 FEBRUARY 2017


Université Paris-Est Créteil (Salle des thèses – bâtiment P)
9:00-9:30 a.m. : Introductory remarks by Arthur Clech and Mathieu Lericq

9:30-12:00 : Panel I — Ex-centering sexualities : changing fields of research

Panel chair : Florence Tamagne (Université Lille 3)
Discussant: Arthur Clech (EHESS)

Łukasz Szulc (University of Antwerp) :
Homosexuality in Eastern Bloc Countries in the 1980s in a Comparative Perspective
Anita Kurimay (Bryn Mawr College) :
Practicing and Imagining Homosexuality in Late Socialist Hungary
Vojin Saša Vukadinović (University of Zürich) :
A different kind of communist love. A case study on same-sex desire in the Red Army Faction and the G.D.R.

[10:30-10:45 : Coffee break]

Galina Zelenina (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscou) :
Late Soviet Jews and homosexuals: “older” minority and “younger” minority in internal discourse

Thibault Boulvain (Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne) :
The AIDS epidemic didn’t stop at the borders of the Iron Curtain

[12:00-13:00 : Pause déjeuner]

13:00-14:00 Keynote (1)
Dan Healey (University of Oxford) :
How to Write the History of Communist Homosexuality: Historical Time, Geopolitics, and Queer Memory in the Former Soviet Union

14:15-17:00 : Panel II — Homosexualities under control : legal and medical shapes

Panel chair : Éric Fassin (Université Paris 8)
Discussant : Roman Krakovsky (Labex TEPSIS, EHESS)

Franko Dota (University of Zagreb) :
A «Queer» Communist Idea: The Failed Post-Revolutionary Attempt to Decriminalize Homosexuality in Socialist Yugoslavia

Jan Seidl (Society for Queer Memory, Prague) :
Did the decriminalization of homosexuality in Czechoslovakia in 1961 actually take place?

Uladzimir Valodzin (Maksim Bahdanovič Literary Museum, Minsk) :

Criminal persecution of male homosexuals in late Soviet Union (1950s-1991): discourses and figures

[15:30-15:45 : Coffee break]

Agnès Chetaille (EHESS) :
Between repression and incitement: state control and emergence of homosexual groups in Poland in the 1980s

Irina Costache (Central European University) :
Je est un autre: Homosexuality, Confession and the Politics of Abnormality in Ceausescu’s Romania

[Discussions of the first day will pursue at the occasion of the screening of the documentary film Secret Years by Mária Takács at the Cinéma Luminor Hôtel-de-Ville at 8pm.]


École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Amphi F. Furet, 105 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris)

9:00-9:30 : Breakfast

9:30-10:30 Keynote (2)
Judit Takács (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) :
Disciplining Gender and Homosexuality in State Socialist Hungary

10:30-10:45 : Coffee break

10:45-13:00 : Panel III — Between non-normative and normative everyday lives

Panel chair : Hadley Zaun Renkin (Central European University, Budapest)
Discussant: Jérôme Bazin (Université Paris-Est Créteil)

Francesca Stella (University of Glasgow) :

Rethinking communist homosexualities through everyday experiences: insights from a study on ‘lesbian’ lives in Soviet Russia

Maria Bühner (University of Leipzig) :

Insights in the changing (self-)understandings of lesbians in East Germany during the 1980s

Alisa Zhabenko (University of Helsinki) :

Motherhood culture of the “last Soviet generation” women with same-sex sexual desire

Wojciech Śmieja (University of Upper Silesia, Katowice) :

The captive (homosexual) minds. On being a writer and a homosexual in communist Poland

13:00-14:00 : Coffee break

14:00-16:15 : Panel IV — Exposed intimacies: in search of a public and poetical presence

Panel chair : Dina Iordanova (University of St Andrews)
Discussant : Mathieu Lericq (Aix-Marseille Université)

Sanja Lazarević Radak (University of Belgrade) :

Non-Aligned Yugoslavia and ‘In-between’ Subjects’: Filming Homosexuality In The Yugoslav Black Wave (1967-1971)

Kevin Moss (Middlebury College) :
Traitors, Secrets, Spies, and Dissidents : Gay and Lesbian Characters in Two Classic Hungarian Films of the 80s
Tim Veith (University of Siegen) :

Pictures of homosexual life during communism in Poland in non-heterosexual magazines across Europe

Mateusz Chmurski (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
Encircling the void? Body (and discourse) distortions in the Central-European gay prose

[16:15-16:30 : Pause café]

16:30-17:30 – Articulated discussion between the artist Jaanus Samma and the reseacher Uku Lember (Université de Tallinn, Université d’Uppsala).

17:30-18:00 – Closing remarks by Jérôme Bazin and general discussion.

[Discussions of the second day will pursue at the occasion of a meeting with the artist Karol Radziszewski, who will present Kisieland and Queer Archives Institute projects at the gallery 22,48m2 at 7.30pm].


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Julie Le Gac (23 janvier 2017). Communist Homosexuality (1945-1989). Genre et Europe. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

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