NB : The conference will take place :
– on the 2nd of February at Université Paris-Est Créteil
– on the 3rd of February at Ecoles des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris).
See : practical informations here.
2-3 FEBRUARY 2017
Université Paris-Est Créteil (Salle des thèses – bâtiment P)
9:00-9:30 a.m. : Introductory remarks by Arthur Clech and Mathieu Lericq
9:30-12:00 : Panel I — Ex-centering sexualities : changing fields of research
Panel chair : Florence Tamagne (Université Lille 3)
Discussant: Arthur Clech (EHESS)
Łukasz Szulc (University of Antwerp) :
Homosexuality in Eastern Bloc Countries in the 1980s in a Comparative Perspective
Anita Kurimay (Bryn Mawr College) :
Practicing and Imagining Homosexuality in Late Socialist Hungary
Vojin Saša Vukadinović (University of Zürich) :
A different kind of communist love. A case study on same-sex desire in the Red Army Faction and the G.D.R.
[10:30-10:45 : Coffee break]
Galina Zelenina (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscou) :
Late Soviet Jews and homosexuals: “older” minority and “younger” minority in internal discourse
Thibault Boulvain (Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne) :
The AIDS epidemic didn’t stop at the borders of the Iron Curtain
[12:00-13:00 : Pause déjeuner]
13:00-14:00 Keynote (1)
Dan Healey (University of Oxford) :
How to Write the History of Communist Homosexuality: Historical Time, Geopolitics, and Queer Memory in the Former Soviet Union
14:15-17:00 : Panel II — Homosexualities under control : legal and medical shapes
Panel chair : Éric Fassin (Université Paris 8)
Discussant : Roman Krakovsky (Labex TEPSIS, EHESS)
Franko Dota (University of Zagreb) :
A «Queer» Communist Idea: The Failed Post-Revolutionary Attempt to Decriminalize Homosexuality in Socialist Yugoslavia
Jan Seidl (Society for Queer Memory, Prague) :
Did the decriminalization of homosexuality in Czechoslovakia in 1961 actually take place?
Uladzimir Valodzin (Maksim Bahdanovič Literary Museum, Minsk) :
Criminal persecution of male homosexuals in late Soviet Union (1950s-1991): discourses and figures
[15:30-15:45 : Coffee break]
Agnès Chetaille (EHESS) :
Between repression and incitement: state control and emergence of homosexual groups in Poland in the 1980s
Irina Costache (Central European University) :
Je est un autre: Homosexuality, Confession and the Politics of Abnormality in Ceausescu’s Romania
[Discussions of the first day will pursue at the occasion of the screening of the documentary film Secret Years by Mária Takács at the Cinéma Luminor Hôtel-de-Ville at 8pm.]
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Amphi F. Furet, 105 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris)
9:00-9:30 : Breakfast
9:30-10:30 Keynote (2)
Judit Takács (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) :
Disciplining Gender and Homosexuality in State Socialist Hungary
10:30-10:45 : Coffee break
10:45-13:00 : Panel III — Between non-normative and normative everyday lives
Panel chair : Hadley Zaun Renkin (Central European University, Budapest)
Discussant: Jérôme Bazin (Université Paris-Est Créteil)
Francesca Stella (University of Glasgow) :
Rethinking communist homosexualities through everyday experiences: insights from a study on ‘lesbian’ lives in Soviet Russia
Maria Bühner (University of Leipzig) :
Insights in the changing (self-)understandings of lesbians in East Germany during the 1980s
Alisa Zhabenko (University of Helsinki) :
Motherhood culture of the “last Soviet generation” women with same-sex sexual desire
Wojciech Śmieja (University of Upper Silesia, Katowice) :
The captive (homosexual) minds. On being a writer and a homosexual in communist Poland
13:00-14:00 : Coffee break
14:00-16:15 : Panel IV — Exposed intimacies: in search of a public and poetical presence
Panel chair : Dina Iordanova (University of St Andrews)
Discussant : Mathieu Lericq (Aix-Marseille Université)
Sanja Lazarević Radak (University of Belgrade) :
Non-Aligned Yugoslavia and ‘In-between’ Subjects’: Filming Homosexuality In The Yugoslav Black Wave (1967-1971)
Kevin Moss (Middlebury College) :
Traitors, Secrets, Spies, and Dissidents : Gay and Lesbian Characters in Two Classic Hungarian Films of the 80s
Tim Veith (University of Siegen) :
Pictures of homosexual life during communism in Poland in non-heterosexual magazines across Europe
Mateusz Chmurski (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
Encircling the void? Body (and discourse) distortions in the Central-European gay prose
[16:15-16:30 : Pause café]
16:30-17:30 – Articulated discussion between the artist Jaanus Samma and the reseacher Uku Lember (Université de Tallinn, Université d’Uppsala).
17:30-18:00 – Closing remarks by Jérôme Bazin and general discussion.
[Discussions of the second day will pursue at the occasion of a meeting with the artist Karol Radziszewski, who will present Kisieland and Queer Archives Institute projects at the gallery 22,48m2 at 7.30pm].