AAC: The impact of WWI on marriages, divorces and gender relations in Europe – Leuven 10/17
From: Saskia Hin <saskia.hin@kuleuven.be>
Date: 31.01.2017
Subject: CFP: The impact of WWI on marriages, divorces and gender
relations in Europe – Leuven 10/17
Saskia Hin (KU Leuven), Sandra Bree (UCL/Paris Sorbonne), Koen Matthijs
(KU Leuven) at KU Leuven
05.10.2017-06.10.2017, Leuven, KU Leuven, Department of Sociology
Deadline: 15.02.2017
The impact of WWI on marriages, divorces and
gender relations in Europe
With support from: The Great War from Below
the WOG Historical Demography
and the Sociéte de Démographie Historique
Now that we are approaching the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI, we
would like to invite you to submit an abstract for a paper presentation
at KU Leuven on October 5 and 6, 2017.
The conference theme will be the impact of The Great War on the
life-courses of “ordinary” citizens who lived through this war. More
specifically, we will focus on the impact of WWI on marriage, divorces,
and gender relations in Europe. As historians, sociologists and
demographers, we seek to join both approaches into an endeavour that
balances quantitative and qualitative perspectives.
We intend to publish the most suited and thematically complimentary
papers as an edited volume with a high profile international publisher,
and have already undertaken steps to work towards timely publication.
Please have a look at
for more details about the intended scope of the conference and book
project before drafting your proposal.
We look forward to hearing from you whether this project appeals to you,
and whether you would like to submit an abstract for the conference
and/or the edited volume. If so, we will be happy to receive your
abstract (2-3 pages, with information on data and methods) by February
15th. Please send it to all three convenors at: saskia.hin@kuleuven.be,
sandra.bree@uclouvain.be and koen.matthijs@kuleuven.be.
We are happy to let you know as well that we are able to provide one
night in a hotel, dinner (Thursday) and lunch (Friday) for all accepted
speakers at the conference. Unfortunately, we are not able to cover
travel costs.
The conference will start on October 5 (Thursday) in the mid-afternoon
and end on October 6 (Friday) before dinner time.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
With best wishes,
Saskia Hin
Sandra Brée
Koen Matthijs
Saskia Hin
FaPOS, KU Leuven
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne-Laure Briatte (2 février 2017). AAC: The impact of WWI on marriages, divorces and gender relations in Europe – Leuven 10/17. Genre et Europe. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/ozkz